Evans Cycles RIDE IT Sportive Essex
Now a non-operational facility, the secret nuclear bunker at Kelvedon was designed to protect all sorts of important folk during the Cold War. Now open to the public, we think it’s the perfect (and most interesting) venue to hold a RIDE IT sportive. Situated just down the road from Epping Forest, this ride will feature routes that take in quiet lanes and gently rolling terrain around the Essex countryside. This is one of our flatter rides that will allow you to clock up some miles whilst enjoying some beautiful English scenery at one of the best times of year for road cycling.
Fun: 14m/23km/755ft Climbing
Adult: £7.50
Children: Free
Short: 36m/58km/1535ft Climbing
Adult: £20.00
Children: Free
Medium: 68m/110km/2590ft Climbing
Adult: £25.00
Children: Free
Long: 101m/163km/4030ft Climbing
Adult: £25.00
Children: Free
Lawyers for people who murder cyclists don't offer defences, they over flimsy excuses which courts and juries are happy to accept because everybody...
There's a growing market of super compact chain sets/cassette combos out there now. More folk are realising there's a lot of 'aspirational' gears...
Unfortunately in the UK (don't know if this is the case in Ireland) did have a compelling reason (loophole being closed from April 6th 2025, from...
'Next they'll be having to put groins [sic] in...'...
I don't follow, why? ...
I owned a Shimano DuraAce crank set FC-7950. The crankshaft snapped while I was biking about 20mph on a gravel road. I had video of my crash with...
Thanks for the reminder. Must, book a trip to the bike shop for "ANOTHER" inspection. By the time they check it every year, it would have been...
Most of the riders near me are UberEats/Deliveroo/JustEat riders riding recklessly, e.g. no lights at night, going through red lights, not stopping...
Locked up the front wheel the other day, just finished rebuilding the Good Bike and was taking her on the commute/shakedown ride. XTR Vs on ceramic...