Beds Road CC Reliability Ride
A welcome to riders from all clubs ... Our next Reliability Ride for 2015 - on the 22nd February.
£5.00 gets you entry plus you get free soup and rols and a cracking fun atmosphere at the clubhouse! If you rode the event on 8 Feb, you get in free for the 22nd.
We had 198 riders at the last event, so come along and be part of the buzz!
There is a choice of routes
52 mile route
70 mile route
See the forum ( for times and late-breaking info...
I don't think they've come in from that end at all - all three approaches are bollarded, and I don't think there's room to get through. I think...
He should apply the drillium technique to save weight on that big heavy battery, it's so bulky too, aero holes will help.
There's an interesting political thing. In my anecdata "right-wing" parties (e.g. "protect locals, cut taxes / deregulate to increase ...
More clearance damnit!!!
I've done the 167 course a couple of times and it is a great ride. The marketing stuff gives the value added to the local economy through this...
It isn't really about the trees. That much is clear
I have some video and correspendence I must send through at some point....
These things don't generally wind up in court - that prospect functions as a kind of glue for the months / years of wrangling over money that...
Ashford residents say roadworks are plaguing town with closures on Kennington Road (A2070), Newtown Road, and more...
Good news on the destructive testing - angle grinder brute force is how I lost a bike. Obviously I implicitly trust manufacturers' publicity...