Take on this fast and flowing South Chilterns challenge!
Ride through where the Thames cuts the Chilterns at Goring, up into the jagged profile of the Chiltern Hills, on a mix of surfaces to test your pace, performance and handling.
This is the fourth year for the original CX Sportive, returning once again to Woodcote and this excellent Chilterns course! The route takes you south to the Thames, dropping on farm tracks to Mapledurham, to break you into the rougher stuff nice and easily. from there it's onto Goring on a mix of roads tracks that include your first taste of bridleway. The route then winds cleverly northwards by taking you up and down the Thames ridge, making the most of the contours to shape your ride.
The final stretch south levels out to take some the strain out of your last miles back to the finish. Amazingly, the route design fits the full 80km route into an area that never sees you more than 6km in straight line from the event base! Excellent for winter ride support, or if you need to cut back in a hurry! At a time when the dark, cold and conditions make skinny tyre road riding about us unappealing as it gets, CX Sportives are the smart choice, with the pace, variety and atmosphere to spur you on through the winter weather!
Most of the minor crashes happen with touches of wheels within the peloton, often when they are not even going full tilt, just a moment's...
I am completely fed up with entitled motorists coming to a cycling website and creating an account solely in order to troll. Give it a rest!
👍🏼 IMHO, one of the main things to look out for is butted tubes, double or even tripple butted. ride safe and have a great Christmas
Ah yes, just spotted where "performance line" is quoted on the website. Couldn't see any that fall into both 'evolution' and 'performance' line...
TRP cable-actuated hydraulic calipers, haven't tried them myself but reviews generally rate them as better than cable-only brakes such as Sora. I...
And we can be sure that Police Scotland would be similarly disinterested...
The self-professed cyclists are really self-claimed cyclists of the 'I'm a cyclist myself' variety
They should read scampercraft and not exaggerate the danger of scuttling along. I discourage squirrel predation by acting like one.
You can get the Varia for £10 less from Decathlon.
Perhaps they should apply the same standard to dangerous, unsafe, poorly designed roads and COMPLETELY rip them out rather than "fix" or "redesign"...