The Lincoln Grand Prix Sportive
Get involved in the Lincoln Festival of Cycling which features the first edition of the Lincoln Grand Prix Sportive together with the 58th edition of Britain's oldest and best loved bike race, the Lincoln Grand Prix.
Choose from three routes - 100, 75 or 55 miles - through quiet picturesque lanes in the Lincolnshire Wolds. Both routes finish with the cobbles climb of Michaelgate in the heart of historic Lincoln, giving riders the chance to experience the sort of challenge faced by Elite riders the following day. The 55 mile route takes in less of the Wolds and is ideally suited to those setting out in cycling and the world of cyclo-sportives.
Nope, I predict a flurry of efforts to fit otherwise sensible cycling into one of the mentioned categories - particularly......
Well, yes, but (acc. INRNG) those pockets are then steadily emptied by all the other races they run, which pretty much all run at loss.
Council admits it is 'impossible' to carry on with Liveable Neighbourhood trial after protests stopped it...
How did you find the Planet X Titanium frames? You never see reviews of them anywhere, but they look good value.
This is the way sport coverage is going. But that should mean ending the BBC licence fee, freeing up that money at least to invest in what we...
This (the health benefits) is one of the economic pillars that we can wave at drivers who complain we don't pay road tax etc....
I'd start even younger... (I actually think driving licences should need renewed after a period, whatever age)....
Good for them and cycling in general.
It's a topsey-turvey world some times:...
wtjs who, if I've understood correctly, only reports "must"s now...