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Anywhere for bespoke OS maps?

I am looking to do a long road ride in a few weeks time but the areas i want to cover are on 4 different OS Landranger maps. Short of buying all 4 and carring them with me, is there anywhere where i can order or make up a bespoke map that will cover all the areas that i want?

For smaller areas i have printed out bits from multimap and stuck them together but not really wanting to do that for a large area that covers 70miles from south west tip to north east tip of the route.

Is there such a place that provides this service or is it a case of sticking bits of paper together again?

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dave atkinson | 15 years ago

hm. just re-read your original post and i'm not sure you'd get OS to do a map that big. so printy-sticky might be your best bet. do you need landranger scale? MM comes with 1:250k road mapping too, you could use that instead.

dave atkinson | 15 years ago

if you go to the ordnance survey website you can get a custom landranger printed with any point as the central point. usually this would be your house or whatever, but if you chose a point that was in the middle of your route you should be able to get your whole ride on a single map. not cheap though, sixteen quid a pop

another option is to get a £25 memory map PAYG mapping DVD and use that to print out the route. more expensive but you get the benefit that you can use it for much more than this one ride: a £25 mapping DVD gives you 25,000 square km of mapping, which is 40 landrangers' worth. plus you can plot routes and send them to your gps/smart phone/pda

cat1commuter | 15 years ago

I know the OS map centre in Heffers bookshop here in Cambridge will print out a map centred on anywhere you choose.

Which bit of the country are you interested in?

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