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Videos: Cyclists vs. labourers, hate preachers + tassles & more

Today's video round-up starts with a cycling construction worker out pacing a lycra-clad cyclist + a solo Africa ride & more...

We've seen cyclists in all sorts of crazy situations throughout our time here on the video round-up. We don't often see city cyclists take down hate preachers though, or lycra clad ones being outpaced by labourers on their way back from work.

Both of those scenarios rear their heads in today's video round-up alongside two of the cutest little cyclits you'll ever see, a special Michal Kwiatowski birthday celebration, an incredible top-to-bottom solo Africa journey, and a great little how-to on avoiding punctures.



Lycra-clad cyclist outpaced by what looks like a construction worker

The guys filming this little bit of footage seem to be beside themselves that a cyclist in proper cycling gear could be being outpaced by a bloke who looks like he's just finished a day's work on a construction site.

Clearly we know very little about this pair. For all we know the fella in front could work in a bank, the bloke in lycra could be coming to the end of a 150km ride while the topless fella could have just climbed into the saddle, one of them could be coming back from an injury, the other could be a retired athlete.

We don't know.

The laughing pair filming appear to have riled a few Facebook commenters though. 


Cute kids take to the trail

How early did you start riding? How old were you when you left your stabelisers at home? How old were you when you first went mountain biking down a trail?

We bet you weren't this young, or this cute for that matter.

The subtitles and explanations of the kids' strange linguistic quirks are a little highlight to this delightful video.


Cyclist takes down an anti-LGBT preacher

Up to Glasgow now, as we witness an anti-LGBT preacher in the city centre get put in his place by a passing cyclist.

The crowd's round of applause after the cyclist has his say makes us especially happy here at

Here's to you mystery cyclist.


Team Sky's Michał Kwiatkowski celebrates in style


Birthday ride Thanks everyone!

A video posted by Michał Kwiatkowski (@michalkwiatek) on


Mr Kwiatkowski's had a good year. He won Belgian cobbled classic E3 Harelbeke in March as well as an 8th place finish at Tirreno–Adriatico.

He celebrated his Birthday this week with some pretty fancy modifications to his bicycle.

Happy birthday Michal!


Riding the length of Africa solo

We've seen plenty of epic rides over the years here at, but riding the entire length of Africa - and all the environmental and political dangers that come with it - isn't one we've seen that often.

Mark Beaumont took the challenge, and was looking to break the world record of 59 days for the journey.

He did so in style, smashing the previous record by 18 days, making the journey from Cairo to Cape Town in 41 days, 10 hours, and 22 minutes.

Congratulations Mark.

Here's a short video of his journey.



How to avoid the 6 most common punctures

If you took part in our #mycyclingweekend competition last week you'll have seen how often punctures can ruin a ride.

Here are a few tips to help you avoid ending up at the side of the road fiddling with your inner tubes this weekend.

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Kapelmuur | 8 years ago

On an early outing on my then new road bike and while wearing full Lycra roadie kit I was overtaken by a postman with full panniers and carrying a mail bag.

Fish_n_Chips | 8 years ago

1) lol been there boinked and had old granny overtake me! Funny video from dorks.

2) Aww/cool.

3) Haters go home. Who cares, LGBT should be free as anyone else. 

4) Cool reflection in the shades.

5) Mark = Legend. Great view of that sunset too.

6) Checking my pressures before every ride now.

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