wants to keep people up to date with the latest happenings in the bike world. We use freelance contributors in the news, reviews, features and blog sections of the site. If you're interested in being involved, here's what to do.
News and reviews
Send us your details and areas of expertise plus a news story or product review to a similar length as those used on the site. A Word or text document is best.
We always welcome feature submissions to and we cover all aspects of cycling life. Any feature submission will need to include images in order to be considered. Send words as a Word or text document, images as JPG files at 1600x1200px or greater resolution.
If you'd like to blog on the site, we're interested in regular blogs confined to a certain subject, with a commitment to write at least once a month for a minimum of six months. If you're interested send details of the topic you'd like to cover, along with a sample blog.
What to do
Send all submissions to write [at] We can't accept non-digital submissions. We receive a lot of sumbissions and we try to reply to everyone, but we can't guarantee an individual reply for everyone. We don't normally pay for spec submissions.