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These people use their bike to get to work and back. They're interested in a broad range of bikes suitable for commuting and products for short-range riding. They read news about bike advocacy, new routes, new tech


These people are predominantly focused on faster road riding, organised sportives, auduax rides and the like. They are interested in road bikes at most price points, and road cycling clothing and equipment. They read news about sportives, cycle shows, health and fitness, and the high profile races

Distance and Touring

These people are predominantly focused on longer road rides from auduax up to touring, including fully-loaded and self-supported riding. They are interested in Audax and touring points, road cycling clothing and outdoor equipment. They read news about foreign travel, Audax, touring and self-suported racing


These people use their bikes in an urban enviroment. This will include commuting. They are interested in city/urban bikes, casual/smart riding wear and interesting tech with an urban bias. They read news about cicty cycling, advocacy, culture and art


These people are focused on racing. They are interested in road bikes from mid-range upwards, racing clothing and high-quality tech. They read news about new bikes, races, shows, health and fitness.


These people ride their bikes for leisure, mainly at weekends. They may enter a shorter organised event. They're interested in all-purpose bikes at the lower end of the market, value kit (lycra and non-lycra) and accessories. They read news about leisure facilities and new bikes/gear within their market


These people ride as a family. They are interested in similar bikes to leisure cyclists, with the inclusion of children's bikes for all ages. They're interested in news about leisure facilities, schools and projects for young people.

Cyclocross and Gravel

These people are interested in cyclocross races, CX sportives and general unsurfaced riding. They are interested in CX, gravel and multi-surface bikes. They read news about cyclocorss, CX sportives, CX tech and health and fitness


These people are women, and they may be interested in any type of riding. They ride a broad range of bikes and use a wide range of kit across all the channels listed above, and are interested in anything that's designed for women. They read news about women's cycling (up to racing), new products and health and fitness