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"I think more people came to my birthday party": Cyclists react to 'road tax' and licence petition getting... 262 signatures; Lotto-Soudal take on DiCaprio; Cav on puncture duty; Liz Truss talks speed limits; Vuelta summit finish + more on the live blog

It's Thursday 1st September?! Where did that go? Dan Alexander will be taking a long hard look at the calendar trying to work that one out... oh, and doing your live blog updates...


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01 September 2022, 16:21
01 September 2022, 16:11
Richard Carapaz wins at La Vuelta

A parting gift from Richard Carapaz to Ineos Grenadiers? The Ecuadorian is off to EF Education-EasyPost next season and has been largely anonymous at the the Vuelta, dropping out of the GC picture early on, but won stage 12, showing his class on the summit finish to Peñas Blancas.

Dropping all 31 of his breakaway companions on the climb, Carapaz won comfortably ahead of Wilco Kelderman, who rises 15 places to sixth on GC, and Marc Soler. Britain's James Shaw, a teammate of Carapaz next year, finished ninth.

In the GC group, Remco Evenepoel, Primož Roglič, Enric Mas and Juan Ayuso finished on the same time. 

Performance of the day? 

01 September 2022, 16:08
How to wind yarn on a Brompton (because obviously it's a vital skill to learn)
01 September 2022, 15:34
"I think more people came to my birthday party": Cyclists react to 'road tax' and licence petition getting... 262 signatures

In terms of reaction to our main live blog story of the day it's all fairly similar...

Oh, and a few more...

That was fun. 

01 September 2022, 10:58
Petition calling for cyclists to be tested, pay 'road tax' and register bikes closes on... 262 signatures

By our maths this petition, which closed on 1 August after six months being live, achieved an extraordinary 1.4 signatures per day it was on the government's petitions site...just 9,738 short of getting a government response, and a measly 99,738 short of the threshold for a debate in Parliament...

Petition (Government petitions)

That went well...

Petition (Government petitions)

But maybe it didn't get the media spotlight it needed to reach more unknowing supporters? Well, this isn't the first petition like this to pop up in recent times. In December, the government confirmed it has "no plans" to make cyclists wear identification numbers as it rejected 'Mr Loophole' petition. Amazing how plans change when you're facing the axe, eh Grant?

That petition got the full then-Talk Radio promo, and even warranted a story by the BBC who said it was "gathering momentum", even when it had closed a week least no presenters said anything impartial about it...

> Mr Loophole's cyclist ID petition "gathers momentum" says BBC – except it closed last week

Oh, and did I mention that despite the full media tour the Loophole petition only just scraped across the 10,000-signature threshold for the government to reject it?

It's almost like most people outside the culture warring bubble don't actually care?

01 September 2022, 14:03
01 September 2022, 13:53
Vuelta stage 12: Lutsenko, Kelderman, Carapaz, Soler, Vine part of 32-strong breakaway competing for summit finish win

The stage victory will come from the breakaway today, an escape with 32 riders, more than 20 per cent of the Covid-battered peloton...

Richard Carapaz, double stage winner Jay Vine and Marc Soler are some of the headline names, along with James Shaw doing it for Britain and EF Education-EasyPost. The group has more than 11-and-a-half minutes advantage meaning Wilco Kelderman could be on the podium by tonight...

The final climb is 18.9km at 6.5 per cent average...will Vine get his hat-trick? Can Carapaz claim one final victory at Ineos? Can anyone crack Remco? Plenty of questions we should have answers to very soon... 

01 September 2022, 13:29
"It's very disappointing": Sean Kelly on Ireland's decision to skip World Championships
Vitus Sean Kelly special edition - Sean with his bike

Sean Kelly has spoken of his disappointment at the Irish national team's decision to skip the World Championships in Australia later this month due to financial pressures. Kelly added the balance of funding for road and track needs to be addressed, with the latter, in his opinion, receiving too much of Cycling Ireland's budget.

"It’s very disappointing. All those years that I went, and then you had (Stephen) Roche coming up, then (Martin) Earley and the others… Cycling Ireland didn't support us, ever. Our teams supported us or we had to pay to go, that was the case at the beginning for me. Or at times we might have had a sponsor to support us," Kelly told Sticky Bottle.

"But the situation now for Cycling Ireland; there should be funding there. Going down through the list of riders, was there really nobody who wanted to go and ride?

"With the U23s; we have a good crop of guys there who are capable of doing something. And for them, for the experience to do a Worlds, it's disappointing they are not going. Why not give them a crack at it?"

01 September 2022, 12:04
Tom Pidcock headlines strong Ineos Grenadiers Tour of Britain team

Where will you be watching the race next week? Ineos Grenadiers are bringing a team packed full of big names for the premier UK race of the year, including Tom Pidcock, Michal Kwiatkowski and Richie Porte...

01 September 2022, 10:50

This is really getting out of hand, no helmet on this one either...and it's trotting down the middle of the lane... 

01 September 2022, 10:34
Even the pros have to fix punctures...

Some bike though...

01 September 2022, 09:45
"Blah blah blah blah yet again saying whatever they want to try and get elected": Liz Truss reaction

Mixed bag in response to Liz Truss' comments about motorway speed limits...understandably a some of you would like us to stick to cycling... point taken.

We asked if the future PM's comments have wider implications for road safety under her leadership? Heavily presumptuous on believing a candidate's 'pick me' answers at a campaign event are a reflection of what they'll actually do in office, of course...

> Liz Truss "looking forward to working with cycling community" and will build new infrastructure, supporters claim

Here are some of your replies...

"Blah blah blah blah yet again saying whatever they want to try and get elected, it won't happen"

"Completely. Just pandering to the audience immediately in front of her at the time."

"You're just trying to wind people up with this rubbish to generate clicks." 

"This is just campaign bluster aimed at the demographic that is London Conservative party members. However, Truss will be far more anti-active travel, anti-public transport and pro car than Johnson who gave Andrew Gilligan a significant role in the Department for Transport. Things are about to get worse in the active travel area in  the UK (and they are crap already......)."

01 September 2022, 09:09
Dutch news from a (delightful) cycle path
01 September 2022, 08:52
Sheepish road users don't pay 'road tax'


Live from TalkTV studios... "Get the petition"... we need these unlicensed menaces registered, insured and wearing hi-vis tabards so we know whose farmer to blame...

01 September 2022, 08:02
Liz Truss "prepared to look at" abolishing speed limit (+ promises to "make London Conservative again" from "anti-car" mayor)

It was the Tory leadership race's Wembley hustings last night and heavy favourite to succeed Boris Johnson as PM, Liz Truss, responded to a question from an audience member about axing speed limits with the line she'd be "prepared to look at that"...

The question was specifically about smart motorways which is the sort of speed limit, it seems, Truss says she would consider full, she said:

"I agree with you. I absolutely think that we need to review them and stop them if they’re not working as soon as possible. All the evidence I have agrees with the point you're making on smart motorways.

"On speed limits, I'd be prepared to look at that. I can't give you a precise answer on that point. But I do believe that the smart motorways experiment hasn't worked."

Elsewhere at the event she went in on "anti-car" mayor of London Sadiq Khan and said she would "make London Conservative again". 

What do you reckon? More campaign talk or are there genuine concerns about the potential implications for road safety under a Truss government? 

Dan is the news editor and has spent the past four years writing stories and features, as well as (hopefully) keeping you entertained on the live blog. Having previously written about nearly every other sport under the sun for the Express, and the weird and wonderful world of non-league football for the Non-League Paper, Dan joined in 2020. Come the weekend you'll find him labouring up a hill, probably with a mouth full of jelly babies, or making a bonk-induced trip to a south of England petrol station... in search of more jelly babies.

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Simon_MacMichael replied to MattieKempy | 1 year ago
1 like

MattieKempy wrote:

Why no British National Champion's jersey for Cav? Did I miss something?

Good question. Best guess is that team's got them at the service course in Belgium? Only races he's done since winning in June are Poland and then the Commonwealth Games where of course he was in IoM kit.

billymansell | 1 year ago

If you can ask Truss anything at a hustings I do hope someone suggests she re-establishes the Paedophile Information Exchange just to hear her say she'll consider it and to hear the audience response.

chrisonabike replied to billymansell | 1 year ago

Is it time for that Brass Eye special again?  You know it makes nonce-sense.

Awavey | 1 year ago

Youd think this would be bigger cycling related content this morning

But sure let's waste a bunch of energy debating barely even a half hearted commitment to review speed limits on motorways.

Maybe CyclingUK need to up their twitter game to get more hits with this stuff.

Pedal those squares replied to Awavey | 1 year ago

I think the numbers for active travel will jump this winter.  It is cheap and warms you up. 

Its sad, it has had to come to this.  Increase in active travel by "need" not "want" and certainly not improved infrastructure.

It will be the only way people can afford to go to work.

Simon_MacMichael replied to Awavey | 1 year ago

Thanks for highlighting that, definitely one for us to take a look at.

steaders1 | 1 year ago

Blah blah blah blah yet again saying whatever they want to try and get elected, it won't happen

Clem Fandango replied to steaders1 | 1 year ago

Completely.  Just pandering to the audience immediately in front of her at the time.  

"All the evidence I have agrees with the point you're making on smart motorways."

That "evidence" being what the bloke asking the question just said.

All she'll probably do is try to privatise the motorway network 

hawkinspeter replied to Clem Fandango | 1 year ago

Clem Fandango wrote:

Completely.  Just pandering to the audience immediately in front of her at the time.  

"All the evidence I have agrees with the point you're making on smart motorways."

That "evidence" being what the bloke asking the question just said.

All she'll probably do is try to privatise the motorway network 

If that's all she does, then it wouldn't be so bad, but I suspect the Pound-Land Thatcher will try to privatise everything for a quick buck and loosen regulations so that companies can profit from further destroying our environment.

Argos74 | 1 year ago

Well. That's new.

HarrogateSpa | 1 year ago

You're just trying to wind people up with this rubbish to generate clicks.

Hirsute | 1 year ago

The twitter comments I saw included the claim that the speed limit question was within the context of the variable speed limits shown on the gantries and these would be seen as advisory. Not that speed limits in general were advisory.


IanMSpencer replied to Hirsute | 1 year ago

From experience, any speed limit that is not believed to be enforced by cameras on a motorway is ignored. As the whole point of variable speed limits is to manage flow based on knowledge that is not available to the driver, making speed limits advisory would simply result in the return to the good old days of the M25 where you were able to hone driving skills through the application of ABS brakes from 85mph to zero once a mile.

So basically, the people requesting that variable limits to be made advisory are demanding their right to speed, and are little different from those who suggest that speed camaras that catch people speeding are somehow sneaky and underhand (even when signed, it seems) when the answer is simply to abide by the speed limit.

Hirsute replied to IanMSpencer | 1 year ago

Based on my trip back monday night where the speed limit was 60 then 50 then 40 good luck with anyone trying to get anywhere near those numbers.

The carriageway was 6 lanes wide at the 40 point where speeds were < 10 mph. Induced demand anyone ?


AlsoSomniloquism replied to Hirsute | 1 year ago

And the reason it was dropped from 60-50-40 was to try to enable flow by slowing drivers before they reached the slight queue and speeds dropped further and tailbacks grew longer, and to get drivers to reduce the speed in advance as it is alot easier to slow from 40 to <10 then 70 to <10. 

So when people ignore the 40 as only advisable and stay at 70, what happens then when they meet the <10mph queue?

ktache replied to Hirsute | 1 year ago

Bloody cyclists...

chrisonabike replied to IanMSpencer | 1 year ago

Humans are human so if a certain fraction of others are over the limit many more will follow - "all the others were doing it".

Cars are designed to go faster when you put the pedal down and the dial clearly shows it goes faster than 20 / 30 / 60 / 70 or whatever.  As a driver it costs you no more effort *.  Artificial bureaucratic restrictions!

I'm not sure what fraction of people have to be penalised before these beliefs to change.  Doesn't have to be everyone but clearly a large fraction more than currently.  However if someone shouts through a large enough megaphone "I heard they're relaxing policing of speed limits" the opposite may come true, because of the very small chance of you getting corrective feedback via a penalty!

* Yet another fundamental difference between driving and cycling - cyclists are humans on bikes so want to move at a decent speed also.  However the faster you go the more effort is required (exponentially, due to air resistance becoming dominant at higher speeds).

sean1 | 1 year ago

This is just campaign bluster aimed at the demographic that is London Conservative party members.

However Truss will be far more anti active travel, anti public transport and pro car than Johnson who gave Andrew Gilligan a significant role in the DfT.

Here are Truss's remarks to the Conversative Party Cycling Group who asked both Truss and Sunak about cycling...

Basically a pro-car agenda with cycling to "continue to be promoted".

Things are about to get worse in the active travel area in  the UK (and they are crap already......).


Sniffer replied to sean1 | 1 year ago

Truss (or Sunak) will not have responsibility for active travel in the devolved nations of the UK.

sean1 replied to Sniffer | 1 year ago
1 like

Very true and even in London TfL has significant control of active travel planning.

Luckily under Johnson we got  Highway Code changes,  LTN 1/20 and Active Travel England established so hopefully these will still be in place.

I think the main outcome of Truss will be a significant cut in funding for cycling/walking within the DfT.

OldRidgeback | 1 year ago

Smart motorways are controversial, but they're a lot safer than rural A roads with a single lane in each direction, which are by some margin the most dangerous stretches of the UK road network. Considering abandoning speed limits is nuts.  And London is not likely to switch back to being a Conservative city any time soon, particularly when the current government is bungling so badly. Khan is continuing the policy set first by Livingstone and followed by Johnson in moving London away from being a car-centric city, a similar trend as we're seeing other major European cities such as Paris, Berlin and Barcelona to name but a few, following models set by Copenhagen and Amsterdam. Truss is either a liar or a fool for saying what she's said on the topic of transport.

nosferatu1001 replied to OldRidgeback | 1 year ago

She's a liar, by definition of her job. 

mpdouglas replied to OldRidgeback | 1 year ago

OldRidgeback wrote:

Truss is either a liar or a fool for saying what she's said on the topic of transport.

She is both!

ktache replied to mpdouglas | 1 year ago

Thick Lizzie!

mattw replied to OldRidgeback | 1 year ago

I'd say the relevant comparison for smart motorways is traditional motorways, and by that comparison casualties have increased afaics. Which does put a question mark over them.

By the same token increased motorway speed limits significantly increase casualties, and therefore I do not see that getting through.

So I'd say this is a little bit of hint of red meat for particular lobbies, hedged about with enough caveats that it will never happen.

My measure would be average speed cameras between all junctions on UK motorways.

OldRidgeback replied to mattw | 1 year ago

I've seen loads of stats on smart motorways and I'm not convinced they're that dangerous. I drive on them regularly, the M3 in particular. They could have more refuge areas but that's about it IMHO. Some drivers are pretty stupid. I've seen people pull to a halt just a few metres from a refuge area when their vehicles have plainly been capable of limping that short distance. You can't fix stupid. 

I agree about average speed cameras. They are great. Not only do they stop people speeding as much, they also cut help crashes and even increase vehicle flow rates, while cutting pollution, fuel use and road noise. Loads of research ont his if you want to google it.

I think cutting the motorway limit to 100km/h or 60mph in old money makes sense. I'd enforce that with average speed cameras. Research shows journey times would actually be reduced overall curiously enough, along with pollution, fuel use, noise and crashes.

TheBillder replied to OldRidgeback | 1 year ago
OldRidgeback wrote:

I think cutting the motorway limit to 100km/h or 60mph in old money makes sense. I'd enforce that with average speed cameras. Research shows journey times would actually be reduced overall curiously enough, along with pollution, fuel use, noise and crashes.

But if the limit was raised to 1000 mph, the number of collisions caused by speeding motorists would fall to zero. Problem solved.

Gizza job Liz Truss, I'm better than Shapps!


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