Labour MP Kate Hoey says she would like to see more people cycling and supports segregated bike lanes – but she also says that bicycles should be registered and that riders should pay road tax and carry insurance.
The MP for Vauxhall, in the news last month after being fined £240 after being caught driving her Mini through a red traffic light, was speaking to Peter Walker of the Guardian's Bike Blog.
The fine imposed on Hoey provoked widespread derision not to mention schadenfreude among cyclists, whom she had branded in a 2003 Daily Mail article as “law-breaking Lycra louts.”
Hoey told Walker that with the benefit of hindsight, that article had appeared more extreme than she’d intended, and revealed that she backed Mayor of London Boris Johnson’s intention to introduce more cycle lanes in the capital – although it could be argued that her prime motivation for that appears to be to clear the roads for cars.
“I would love to see cycling separated, because I think it would help everybody,” she explained. “If it means more people cycling, great, especially if it makes it easier for me on the road. You're never going to get it everywhere, but it's going to have to happen because there's so many more people cycling.”
“But,” she added, “if we're going to do that don't you think they should have to pay something, as a road tax? Why should I pay a hundred and whatever pounds for my little Mini and they don't?”
Walker explained to her the difference between “road tax,” abolished in the 1930s, and Vehicle Excise Duty, and said she did subsequently email him to say: “By the way I do know that VED is based on size etc of car but the principle is that surely everyone using the road should be licenced and insured.”
Hoey, elected to Parliament in the safe Labour seat of Vauxhall in 1989, also called for bicycles to be fitted with number plates, saying: “What I do genuinely think, and the cycling lobby should argue for it too, is that everyone who rides a bicycle, particularly as a form of transport to work, should be registered, so their bike has a registration number.
“At the moment if someone does knock down an old lady and ride off no one can trace that person.”
While perceived cyclist and pedestrian conflict is a regular hobby-horse for some national and local media outlets and an issue often raised with the police by local residents, thankfully reported injuries are relatively rare.
Last year, according to the Department for Transport’s Reported Road Casualties Great Britain Annual Report 2012, there were 389 reported incidents in which a pedestrian was injured in a collision with a bicycle, of which 97 were serious and two fatal.
By comparison, 212 pedestrians were killed and 3,907 seriously injured following collisions with private cars alone.
As for registration, opponents point out that the bureaucracy – and presumably expense – involved would make such a scheme unworkable and deter people from cycling.
Hoey acknowledged, “I can see why cyclists feel they have to stand up against people,” adding, “but I never see cyclists criticising themselves. Cyclists don't seem to see to do anything about.”
It’s unclear whether Hoey is advocating some form of self-policing, but certainly cycling organisations such as CTC reinforce that cyclists must obey applicable laws, and a poll in February 2010 found that among site users, it was law-breaking that annoyed them most about other riders’ behaviour.
Walker pointed out to Hoey that speeding or driving through red lights – as she herself did – was common among motorists, and that the potential consequences were much more serious than in the case of a bicycle.
She countered his argument, saying: “But that is a sort of cop out, isn' it? It's like me saying, I'm only driving this little old Mini, why can't just slip through a light as well if there's nothing coming?”
Towards the end of his article, Walker gives his impression of the MP, reflecting that “I don’t think Hoey has any genuine malice towards cyclists, and in many ways she means well. But she has, to my mind, some curious notions” – not least, given she represents a constituency with low levels of car ownership and higher than average levels of cycling, she should be advocating measures that might deter the latter.
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Katie, Katie, Katie! better not to comment!
However cyclists should be credited some of the money from the huge green energy budget for riding their bikes and contributing to zro emissions.
But I would say this to some of us cyclists: respect traffic rules, get to work/home in one piece and be SAFE!
Love & peace! Love & peace!
Crazy bitch ! Nuff said
Is she suggesting sticking a number plate on the arse of horses too? What about pedestrians, especially joggers, forcing their way past old ladies on the pavement?
'Really? So you're riding home late at night, the road is empty and the only person around is a pedestrian who has pressed the button on the crossing but has already crossed to the opposite side, are you really going to stop for the red light? Does it give you some kind of smug sanctimonious glow to do so? Trackstanding in the rain thinking you look cool? '
Trackstanding never looks cool, so I'll let that one go. But otherwise, you sound a complete idiot.
Orbea Mike you're definitely onto something here! Pedestrians (or " reciprocating shoe- operators" as I like to call them) need at least one plate on them. Probably best off with one facing forward and one on their back.
Hmm, a new apartheid anyone? It does seem that's what old Hooey wants. Make us all traceable - they could all fit us with little RFID tags... wait... it's on its way...
Hoey, you broke the law. Take your medecine and pipe down.
If 10 or 20 quid per year would purchase motorists absolute acceptance of my right to be on the road and fair and equal treatment by our justice system for cyclists then I would be the first in the queue to pay!
Unfortunately, I suspect that Hoey's agenda is more concerned with driving cyclists off the street by adding barriers to participation; encouraging a hierarchy of use with the motorist firmly on top and using the meagre funds that would be generated to justify perpetuating the under provision of cycling facilities.
She does have a small point, a hell of a lot more cyclist jump red lights than cars (at least on my London commute) in 5 years I've only seen about 2 or 3 clear incidents of cars running reds, whereas I see at least 5 fellow cyclists run them every single day, so I can see why it's brought up in every single debate on road safety.
There you go Hoey, a cyclist criticising other cyclists.
Incase you want to tweet the silly mare, her handle is @hoeykateMP. Like Ive just done.
Needs to learn to keep her gob shut.
I'm not saying its right to jump lights (and its an emotive subject - read the comment sections of the Indy and the Graun and they're full of anti cyclist ire that seems a bit disproportionate)
Ok, its crap for the pedestrians if they got hit, but its a bugger to lose momentum at each traffic light, and surely every cyclist makes a judgement call on running each red or dark amber light, knowing he's the one that's going to come off worse if his judgement is out.
It'd be a nice easy PR win if people all of a sudden stopped jumping lights though, and it'd wrong-foot a hell of a lot of people, Hoey included.
A pedestrian once knocked an old lady over and took her handbag before running off. Why can't we register this menace so we can trace them Hoey?
What a towering imbecile. Great stuff.
Lady's an embarrassment to the Labour Party, and she's got some stiff competition. Anyways...
General election timetable 2015 -
About 18 months to go then.
Guidance on registering and maintaining a party -
Candidates and agents at local elections in England and Wales -
Sadly, outside my bailiwick these days. But maybe something for some of London's stroppier cyclists to think about.
My 8.5kg bike is propelled by 1Human power. What powers your 1000kg+ 'little' Mini Ms Hooey. Confusing Respiration with Combustion again.
Lady do one will you? flippin moron!! 1 of a number of reason why Labour won't win the next Election

Shameless pandering to the anti cycling brigade from an absolute cryptotory gobshite.
She's alienated the cycling vote by calling them louts so decided to go for the "i ran a red light and I had to pay! All these cyclists get away with it" blah blah blah angle to identify herself to the "pay your road tax!" brigade as there's more of them and a bit of proclaimed solidarity makes her seem less of a fuckwit to that lot.
If I hadn't left the labour party already I'd have done so today. She should stick to offering support to fox hunters and Tory panels.
Keep it nice guys. Keep it nice.
This part of her statement shows the true intent ;
"...especially if it makes it easier for me on the road"
Another deluded individual who thinks cyclists are the reason the roads are clogged up and preventing her speeding around the roads.
Attitude is the same as the 2003 "lyrca louts" article.
Sadly this nit-wit is an MP.
Ok I'll keep it nice
I'm disappointed, she's supposed to be representing people but seems to be doing so without any form of comprehension on the subject matter.
If she was my MP I'd be horrified at the suggestion of spending a fortune to return zero revenue (if done on emissions).
An historical footnote, on visits to Belgian relatives in the 1950s I noticed that bikes had a small triangular metal plate attached to their front forks and was told that this was a bike licence.
The scheme couldn't have worked as they don't have them now.
It would be interesting to see what the average emissions would be for us cyclists? I bet zero or substantially less than my last zero VED rated cars! Does that mean the government should pay me for riding my bike. The only thing I agree with Hoey is segregation, yep is cyclists have the roads motorways included and let the cars have the cycle lanes. At least the tin box owners won't be able to hurt us. Http://
I live in her constituency, just lost my vote!
This woman must be an embarrassment to the Labour Party. I sent her a tweet to suggest she join UKIP with her ill informed views
If she had a brain she might be dangerous.
“I don’t think Hoey has any genuine malice towards cyclists, and in many ways she means well. But she has, to my mind, some curious notions”
Curious notions?? Idiotic notions, completely unrealistic stupid half-witted notions don't you mean?
VED for bikes: the clue is in 'excise', i.e. you pay vehicle excise duty for the right to use your vehicle on publicly funded roads. This is based largely on how much damage and pollution your vehicle causes, as well as the facilities your vehicle uses. In short, cyclists should NOT pay excise duty because of: not damaging roads due to extreme lightness and slowness and tiny contact with the road; leaving more road room for motorists than if they were in a car; not polluting at all; not using most of the expensive features of the road system, i.e. motorways, complex junctions and roundabouts, wide roads, dual carriageways, most signs etc. etc., all of which are paid for by the taxpayer, including cyclists, but only used by motorists. Also, with the ten bikes in our house, paying VED on each one would be some ludicrous amount, whereas only the rich have more than one car. It's an absurd idea from an absurd person.
What a complete f@#%&ing arse Kate Hoey is. Clearly she is making it up as she goes along. No sane person, over the age of 12 could surely believe comparing a car, albeit an old Mini, with a bike is a sound counter arguement to red light jumping. Drivers only do it through impatience. Cyclists most often do it to stay clear of other motor vehicles and stay alive.
If Hoey reads this maybe she should remember the differences. A car has four wheels, is nigh on a ton in weight, is able to accelerate to 60mph in 10 seconds or so, is able to stop quickly, can travel in excess of 70mph, and is involved in killing people on a regular basis. Bicycles have none of these qualities. Oh and cars cause road wear so attract VED commensurate with this fact.
Insurance? Number plates? Is she from another planet? Some cyclist has clearly pissed her off and now she has decided to champion a lunatic Daily Mail idea. Just pondering over her views makes me wonder how she ever convinced anyone to vote for her. Arse.
What with this batshit fox botherer spouting off about bikes in London and that poo swinging loonytune in Cambridge the same week I don't know if the folks at road cc are face in hands in despair at writing about these idiots or they're putting Hoey up to it to generate articles
Where are we supposed to hang the registration plate?
This evening I was waiting at a traffic light on the way home, a spot on Clapham Common with a cycle-only traffic light, from which you can ride across the main road straight ahead or along it. The light turned green so I started riding across the road - and a car decided to continue rather than stop at the red which would have been showing before my light turned green. Of course I was in his way so he had to stop, and he seemed quite sheepish about it. Luckily both of us were going pretty slow at that point.