City of York Council has launched a public consultation is inviting the city’s cyclists and other local residents to provide feedback on a new cycle network for the North Yorkshire city.
The current version of the proposed cycle network for York now dates back more than 15 years, and due to new developments and changes in land use the council decided earlier this year to draw up a new strategic network.
According to the council, the aim was “to design a network to connect the various sections of existing cycle route and to link journey origins such as residential areas to key destinations such as employment sites, schools, shops and leisure facilities.”
Now, the council has launched a public consultation to enable people to express their opinion on the proposals, full details of which, including links to download relevant documents, can be found on the cycling pages of the council’s website.
Comments should be emailed to walking.cycling [at] prior to the closing date of Friday 7 September.
Councillor Dave Merrett , City of York Council’s cabinet member for transport, planning and sustainability, quoted in The York Press, said: “Residents have said in surveys that their number one priority in terms of cycling in York is for the council to provide continuous, well-designed cycle routes.
“This consultation will allow everybody to look at the future proposed cycle network for the city and see if it’s right or make other suggestions. Once adopted, the council will seek to implement it over the 15-year period of York’s Local Plan and beyond.”
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More confusing clutter I think it would be better if folk just learnt to drive. Most folk manage it, it's just a handful of eejits who don't
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I thought if things got that bad the rear cassette could crack open a bottle!
Most of those people aren't cycling as sport, though, which is the relevant outcome for BC's purposes....
Not sure how that snuck in! Now changed :)
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Interesting review - especially around the dials. ...
Will be debated on 31 March