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Video: Lars Boom disqualified from Tour of Norway for punching another rider

Bish bash Boom

Lars Boom (LottoNL-Jumbo) has been disqualified from the Tour of Norway after he elbowed and then punched Sport Vlaanderen's Preben Van Hecke.

You can see the incident in this video uploaded by FloBikes.

"You cannot punch a competitor and particularly not in the face," a race referee told Norway’s TV2. "It's not good for the reputation of cycling and he cannot take the law into his own hands. So we have taken the decision of taking him out of the race."

Boom’s initial take on the incident saw him refer to Van Hecke as an ‘idiot’.

"He was on my wheel and I almost crashed, so I got a little hot headed. I don't want to crash, especially when an idiot does something like that."

Boom subsequently apologised, although not to Van Hecke specifically.

Somewhat bizarrely, Van Hecke said that Boom’s punishment was too severe. "Sometimes this happens in a race,” he said. “He did not hit my face, but in the hip."

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Derk Davies | 6 years ago

More of a punch than the "waft" by Nacer Bouhanni, so I hope people give Boom as much crap as he got.

don simon fbpe | 6 years ago

I can't find the 5 cool handbags article for when I get into a situation like this.

How much damage can you do from a thrown punch on a moving bike at a moving target?

If he were a squirrel with a knife, that would be different.

BehindTheBikesheds replied to don simon fbpe | 6 years ago
don simon wrote:

I can't find the 5 cool handbags article for when I get into a situation like this.

How much damage can you do from a thrown punch on a moving bike at a moving target?

If he were a squirrel with a knife, that would be different.

Best punch to deliver most power in those circumstances is an uppercut, doesn't unbalqnce you as much nor indeed the recipient.
A backswing punch to the chops is a bit more stealthy.
For the really determined/initiated a decleated roundhouse is a winner, bonus damage points if you miss with the usualcontact point of the carbon shoe as a cleat scuffed on the cheek can be quite nasty, particularly speedplay.

Zebulebu | 6 years ago

Not an excuse, but I wouldn't exactly call that a 'punch'. A 'shove' maybe

brooksby | 6 years ago
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Boom subsequently apologised, although not to Van Hecke specifically.

So, didn't apologise...

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