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Cycling UK delivers nearly 10,000 letters objecting to A63 cycle ban plans – by cargo bike

“This sends a strong message to Highways England,” says charity’s head of campaigns Duncan Dollimore

Cycling UK has delivered nearly 10,000 letters to Highways England protesting about the planned introduction of a ban on cyclists using a 15-mile stretch of the A63 near Kingston upon Hull.

The stretch of road in question includes the V718 time trial course where, in 2016, Marcin Bialoblocki set a 10-mile time trial record of 16 minutes 35 seconds.

In 2014, Sir Bradley Wiggins rode a time trial on the same course as he prepared for his successful UCI Hour Record attempt.

The letters were delivered via cargo bike to Highways England’s headquarters in Leeds today by Duncan Dollimore, head of campaigns at Cycling UK.

The charity says that the proposed ban, on road safety grounds, is not justified by evidence and that other measures such as reducing the speed of motor vehicles and signage to warn motorists of the presence of cyclists should be taken.

It is also concerned that if a ban is implemented, others could follow elsewhere.

> "The thin end of the wedge" - Cycling UK slams Highways England's proposed A63 bike ban

Dollimore said: “One of Highways England’s arguments for banning cyclists is that they cannot keep up with traffic, but they’re not banning slow-moving vehicles like tractors, farm vehicles or horse and carts.

“If they ban cyclists because they cannot keep up with the traffic, then they’re going to be banned from every A-road in the country and large sections of B-roads.

“It’s a nonsensical piece of logic and if Highways England wants to come up with reasons why cyclists shouldn’t be riding on this road, they need to come up with some evidence-based reasons.”

He added: “This sends a strong message to Highways England, one we hope it will listen to carefully, and reconsider plans which would be in stark contrast to its own Cycling Strategy which sets out a cycling vision of contributing to a high-quality cycling network, suitable and safe for everyone.”

Simon joined as news editor in 2009 and is now the site’s community editor, acting as a link between the team producing the content and our readers. A law and languages graduate, published translator and former retail analyst, he has reported on issues as diverse as cycling-related court cases, anti-doping investigations, the latest developments in the bike industry and the sport’s biggest races. Now back in London full-time after 15 years living in Oxford and Cambridge, he loves cycling along the Thames but misses having his former riding buddy, Elodie the miniature schnauzer, in the basket in front of him.

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nniff | 6 years ago

"Dollimore said: “One of Highways England’s arguments for banning cyclists is that they cannot keep up with traffic........."

On that basis, TfL should ban cars from London because they can't keep up with bikes.

BehindTheBikesheds replied to nniff | 6 years ago

nniff wrote:

"Dollimore said: “One of Highways England’s arguments for banning cyclists is that they cannot keep up with traffic........."

On that basis, TfL should ban cars from London because they can't keep up with bikes.

Pretty much replicate that in every town and city at rush hour, even piddly small towns are choked with motor traffic tailing back nearly a mile from town centre to major trunk road/motorway. I sailed past about 50 cars and half a dozen various goods vehicles yesterday and I wasn't even  trying. Oh and that's after they built a bypass road at great expense which has done fuck-all to alleviate the issue, only push the majority of the traffic through a single route diving two residential areas.

How dare these tax dodging, red light jumping, unlicised, uninsured, think they own the road wankers be in the 'middle of the road' holding me up for seconds, should stick to those motorways that were built for them at massive expense that we've had to pay for!!

Highways England can go get fucked, these are OUR roads, not theirs' they are effectively infringing on innate rights for people to use the highway unencumbered and validating shit/dangerous driving!

srchar replied to nniff | 6 years ago

nniff wrote:

"Dollimore said: “One of Highways England’s arguments for banning cyclists is that they cannot keep up with traffic........."

On that basis, TfL should ban cars from London because they can't keep up with bikes.

Well played, sir.

Woldsman | 6 years ago

Success!  Well done to all at the campaigning wing of the Cyclists’ Touring Club.


burtthebike | 6 years ago

Well done Cycling UK, and thank you.  Great piece of pr delivering by cargo bike, and I hope this gets some traction despite the Russian story and the death of Ken Dodd.

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