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Campaigners slam iconic Irish TV show after anti-cycling rant

Late Late Show reported to Ireland’s broadcasting regulator following Saturday’s episode

Iconic Irish TV programme the Late Late Show has been slammed by cycling campaigners following an anti-cycling rant during Saturday evening’s transmission.

One guest on this week’s programme, an institution on TV in the Republic of Ireland since it was first broadcast by RTE in 1962, likened cyclists to “farm animals.”

Another compared cyclists to “trash.”

Dublin Cycling Campaign has now lodged an official complaint to regulators over comments of guests Maura Derrane and James Kavanagh in the segment, and against the show’s host, Ryan Tubidry.

Derrane, who also works at RTE, had said: “I like cycling, but one thing that really bothers me is three or four cyclists abreast ... on a country road where there's no need.

"Because I mean, are you in competition with a car? You're never going to be faster, and it's almost to piss people off that they do it. I know that."

In their complaint, Dublin Cycling Campaign said the comments made in the show were in contravention of Principle 5 of the Code of Programme Standards of the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland, which says “programme material shall not stigmatise, support or condone discrimination or incite hatred against persons or groups in society.”

They added:  “We also expect the Late Late Show to broadcast a public apology on its next show and counter the misinformation that it broadcast, specifically about the issue of cycling two abreast which is perfectly legal behaviour on Irish roads.”

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CygnusX1 | 7 years ago

velo-nh wrote:

Our economy is doing great since Trump took over. 

Correlation, not neccesarily causation. We can probably have a long thread with graphs showing lots of other things besides Trump that correlate closely with the NASDAQ, Dow Jones or whatever other measure of the US economy you may choose.

To quote a former Republican congressman (John LeBoutillier)....


And the stock markets have shown explosive growth (as they have worldwide); but legislatively 2017 was a unique - one party control - and a wasted opportunity to govern;


Last week - with just over a week left in Trump's first year - the Quinnipiac poll told us all we need to know: 63% of Americans rate the economy as "good or excellent." But only 36% approve of the job Trump is doing.

Normally a good economy elevates a president's approval ratings.

But in Trump's case he has shown himself to be so negative, so sour, so acidic, so inept, so ignorant, so insecure and - yes - so incompetent, that his personality has overwhelmed the good economic news.


hawkinspeter | 7 years ago

I'm just gonna leave this here:


hawkinspeter | 7 years ago
1 like

Also, how about this strange correlation between his tweets and the "Fox and Friends" show:


brooksby replied to hawkinspeter | 7 years ago

hawkinspeter wrote:

Also, how about this strange correlation between his tweets and the "Fox and Friends" show:

We really need some more research here: what were the leading stories on Fox & Friends (is it me or does that sound like it should be on CBeebies?) during August/September/October 2017??

hawkinspeter replied to brooksby | 7 years ago
1 like

brooksby wrote:

hawkinspeter wrote:

Also, how about this strange correlation between his tweets and the "Fox and Friends" show:

We really need some more research here: what were the leading stories on Fox & Friends (is it me or does that sound like it should be on CBeebies?) during August/September/October 2017??

Yeah, I'm not bothering to do that (Fox News ruins my brain).

Have a couple of links instead:

brooksby | 7 years ago

And of course there have been no invasions by space aliens during the whole of the Donald's presidency.  Super good bigly leadership, there yes

ktache | 7 years ago

As well as making America's economy great again he has also managed to ensure that there were no passenger jet crashes last year, in the entire world.

hawkinspeter | 7 years ago

Hooray! We've got the graphs thing happening again.

You know, the saddest thing about Trump supporters is that they think that Trump will help them whereas he's only making him and his friends/family richer. Trickle-down economics is complete bullshit by the way.

ktache | 7 years ago

This is fun.

"Very Stable Genius"

ktache | 7 years ago

29.9 just seems a bit suspect.

The "girther" movement.

kingleo | 7 years ago

I think they are jealous of our success - we  are multi Olympic champions, world champions 

and grand tour winners.

CygnusX1 replied to kingleo | 7 years ago

kingleo wrote:

I think they are jealous of our success - we  are multi Olympic champions, world champions 

and grand tour winners.

Those are impressive palmares you have there, King Leo! Not suprised you use the "royal we"

kingleo replied to CygnusX1 | 7 years ago

CygnusX1 wrote:

kingleo wrote:

I think they are jealous of our success - we  are multi Olympic champions, world champions 

and grand tour winners.

Those are impressive palmares you have there, King Leo! Not suprised you use the "royal we"

"we" means the cyclists, - all of us as a group. We are supporters of cycle sport and a lot of us have helped financially.

Ush | 7 years ago

Silly auld hoor has a dangerous driving conviction too:

16 Mar 2011
RTE television presenter Maura Derrane was prosecuted at Naas Court last week on an allegation of driving too fast.
Ms Derrane with an address at Coadys Quay, The Look Out, Dungarvan, Waterford, was before the court on allegation of speeding on July 6 last.
Sgt. Keevans told the court she was driving a Toyota Prius car at 145kph in a 120kph zone at Osberstown, Naas.
He said the incident took place at 7.15pm when traffic was moderately heavy and weather conditions were dry at the time. He said the defendant apologised. He added she was helpful and cooperative but had forgotten to pay a fixed charge which was issued.
The case was adjourned to Thursday last (March 10) from a previous sitting of the District Court at Naas.
Solicitor Cairbre Finan told Judge Des Zaidan that she drove her car for a living and she also asked him to apologise.
The defendant agreed to make a charitable donation of E700 and asked that this be donated to an animal welfare charity. The money is to be donated to the Kildare Animal Foundation.

ktache | 7 years ago

oops wrong thread.

Tony | 7 years ago

ClubSmed wrote:

Going off on a bit of a tangent, I passed a group ride yesterday that were riding three abreast. They were heading in the opposite direction to me (I was in a car) and because they were taking up so much of the width of their carriageway it resulted in technically a close pass on my behalf (though there was nowhere I could have gone). Is it usual for club rides to force close passes like this?

I hope you slowed down to pass them or do you hold the view that the needs of the one outweighed the needs of the many?    And of course if you hadn't insisted on using a vehicle that wide to carry one person there would have been plenty of room  

BehindTheBikesheds | 7 years ago

errbud a question.

How do you interpret the actions against minority groups that has led to them being attacked, ostracised, unlawfully punished/criminalised, have laws applied differently to the rest of society, banned from certain parts of the country/society, victim blamed simply for being who they are or what they are wearing/not wearing? Do you think that the way all the groups I identified was acceptable and how they were and still are attacked to the point of death and serious injury, being abused daily from a mental POV and feeling fear of physical harm every day?

Because you're basically saying all those groups, all the persons who were killed or injured or felt fear of harm constantly with 'near misses', a police baton near the head for instance or having to run away from a gang chasing you in the street simply for being who you are, are making themselves the victims, or making out it was a bigger deal than the reality.

Either you think the attacks on all those groups never happened, don't think that those attacks, the shit storm created in the media and spread through society never had an effect, none and that every person, every human being in those groups were just making themselves to be victims or it didn't happen, which is it?


alansmurphy | 7 years ago

In your opinion... Like in your opinion you are not threatened...


It's fine that you have an opinion but it isn't worth any more than someone elses. You must recognise though, as a cyclist, that people talking about you in a particular way may have an influence on how people see you. These people are not able to talk about all groups in that way, which is right, so why cyclists, why you?


errbud replied to alansmurphy | 7 years ago
alansmurphy wrote:

In your opinion... Like in your opinion you are not threatened...


It's fine that you have an opinion but it isn't worth any more than someone elses. You must recognise though, as a cyclist, that people talking about you in a particular way may have an influence on how people see you. These people are not able to talk about all groups in that way, which is right, so why cyclists, why you?


I agree with that 100% opinions are just that.

I don't think we are going to agree on it being a danger to me or not. But that's all good

hawkinspeter replied to errbud | 7 years ago

errbud wrote:
alansmurphy wrote:

In your opinion... Like in your opinion you are not threatened...


It's fine that you have an opinion but it isn't worth any more than someone elses. You must recognise though, as a cyclist, that people talking about you in a particular way may have an influence on how people see you. These people are not able to talk about all groups in that way, which is right, so why cyclists, why you?


I agree with that 100% opinions are just that. I don't think we are going to agree on it being a danger to me or not. But that's all good

I think you're missing the point. Anti-cyclist opinions may only have a slight effect against current cyclists, but they have a much greater effect on potential cyclists. This is worrying as we (society) needs more cyclists to reduce the amount of air pollution and also raise the general fitness/health of people which impacts less on the NHS.

You don't see any direct impact to yourself, but some of us have a wider view of things.

don simon fbpe replied to errbud | 7 years ago

errbud wrote:
alansmurphy wrote:

In your opinion... Like in your opinion you are not threatened...


It's fine that you have an opinion but it isn't worth any more than someone elses. You must recognise though, as a cyclist, that people talking about you in a particular way may have an influence on how people see you. These people are not able to talk about all groups in that way, which is right, so why cyclists, why you?


I agree with that 100% opinions are just that. I don't think we are going to agree on it being a danger to me or not. But that's all good

I was run into this evening by a silver haired older lady on her way to the theatre. When I got to speak with her after she had driven off. Not only did she deny hitting me, but went on to accuse me of hitting her car, that she felt threatened, that she had more of a right to be on the road than me, that the police wouldn't do anything, that people like me.....,

I wonder where she got these ideas from.

errbud replied to don simon fbpe | 7 years ago
don simon wrote:

errbud wrote:
alansmurphy wrote:

In your opinion... Like in your opinion you are not threatened...


It's fine that you have an opinion but it isn't worth any more than someone elses. You must recognise though, as a cyclist, that people talking about you in a particular way may have an influence on how people see you. These people are not able to talk about all groups in that way, which is right, so why cyclists, why you?


I agree with that 100% opinions are just that. I don't think we are going to agree on it being a danger to me or not. But that's all good

I was run into this evening by a silver haired older lady on her way to the theatre. When I got to speak with her after she had driven off. Not only did she deny hitting me, but went on to accuse me of hitting her car, that she felt threatened, that she had more of a right to be on the road than me, that the police wouldn't do anything, that people like me.....,

I wonder where she got these ideas from.

I don't think she got that idea from Clarkson. When two cars have a bump very often the party at blame will deny liability and blame the other driver that's nothing to do with being a cyclist just someone trying to pass the blame on.

don simon fbpe replied to errbud | 7 years ago

errbud wrote:
don simon wrote:

errbud wrote:
alansmurphy wrote:

In your opinion... Like in your opinion you are not threatened...


It's fine that you have an opinion but it isn't worth any more than someone elses. You must recognise though, as a cyclist, that people talking about you in a particular way may have an influence on how people see you. These people are not able to talk about all groups in that way, which is right, so why cyclists, why you?


I agree with that 100% opinions are just that. I don't think we are going to agree on it being a danger to me or not. But that's all good

I was run into this evening by a silver haired older lady on her way to the theatre. When I got to speak with her after she had driven off. Not only did she deny hitting me, but went on to accuse me of hitting her car, that she felt threatened, that she had more of a right to be on the road than me, that the police wouldn't do anything, that people like me.....,

I wonder where she got these ideas from.

I don't think she got that idea from Clarkson. When two cars have a bump very often the party at blame will deny liability and blame the other driver that's nothing to do with being a cyclist just someone trying to pass the blame on.

No, Clarkson is responsible for the muppet who replied to a post with the "work harder and buy a car comment" in a recent newspaper thread of a cyclist being hit though.

I am accustomed to the denial of responsibility, the victim blaming is a new phenomena, which even you have been sucked in by. How has this been perpetuated? And when did this become normal? Now that the droiver that hit me knows that she can get away with it, what will be her next infraction?

errbud replied to don simon fbpe | 7 years ago
don simon wrote:

errbud wrote:
don simon wrote:

errbud wrote:
alansmurphy wrote:

In your opinion... Like in your opinion you are not threatened...


It's fine that you have an opinion but it isn't worth any more than someone elses. You must recognise though, as a cyclist, that people talking about you in a particular way may have an influence on how people see you. These people are not able to talk about all groups in that way, which is right, so why cyclists, why you?


I agree with that 100% opinions are just that. I don't think we are going to agree on it being a danger to me or not. But that's all good

I was run into this evening by a silver haired older lady on her way to the theatre. When I got to speak with her after she had driven off. Not only did she deny hitting me, but went on to accuse me of hitting her car, that she felt threatened, that she had more of a right to be on the road than me, that the police wouldn't do anything, that people like me.....,

I wonder where she got these ideas from.

I don't think she got that idea from Clarkson. When two cars have a bump very often the party at blame will deny liability and blame the other driver that's nothing to do with being a cyclist just someone trying to pass the blame on.

No, Clarkson is responsible for the muppet who replied to a post with the "work harder and buy a car comment" in a recent newspaper thread of a cyclist being hit though.

I am accustomed to the denial of responsibility, the victim blaming is a new phenomena, which even you have been sucked in by. How has this been perpetuated? And when did this become normal? Now that the droiver that hit me knows that she can get away with it, what will be her next infraction?

Victim blaming is not anything new.
To counter your experience I was hit by an elderly woman at a roundabout, completely her fault. She was so distraught and guilt ridden I had to calm her down and reassure her I was ok. Just as well she didn't read the Mail or watch top gear otherwise she'd have told me to f off and drove on

davel replied to errbud | 7 years ago
errbud wrote:
don simon wrote:

errbud wrote:
alansmurphy wrote:

In your opinion... Like in your opinion you are not threatened...


It's fine that you have an opinion but it isn't worth any more than someone elses. You must recognise though, as a cyclist, that people talking about you in a particular way may have an influence on how people see you. These people are not able to talk about all groups in that way, which is right, so why cyclists, why you?


I agree with that 100% opinions are just that. I don't think we are going to agree on it being a danger to me or not. But that's all good

I was run into this evening by a silver haired older lady on her way to the theatre. When I got to speak with her after she had driven off. Not only did she deny hitting me, but went on to accuse me of hitting her car, that she felt threatened, that she had more of a right to be on the road than me, that the police wouldn't do anything, that people like me.....,

I wonder where she got these ideas from.

I don't think she got that idea from Clarkson. When two cars have a bump very often the party at blame will deny liability and blame the other driver that's nothing to do with being a cyclist just someone trying to pass the blame on.

She didn't get the idea of being a shit driver from Clarkson.

But the sense of entitlement and aggression aimed at cyclists for just using the road is widespread. It's an echo chamber. Talk to people in your workplace or pub and it doesn't take long to find someone with weird and downright wrong views on cycling and cyclists.

Do you think that media focus on the likes of extremely rare Alliston cases, and rentagobs like this Irish bunch, spreads objectivity or just reinforces the views of already frustrated drivers?

brooksby replied to errbud | 7 years ago

errbud wrote:

don simon wrote:

I was run into this evening by a silver haired older lady on her way to the theatre. When I got to speak with her after she had driven off. Not only did she deny hitting me, but went on to accuse me of hitting her car, that she felt threatened, that she had more of a right to be on the road than me, that the police wouldn't do anything, that people like me.....,

I wonder where she got these ideas from.

I don't think she got that idea from Clarkson. When two cars have a bump very often the party at blame will deny liability and blame the other driver that's nothing to do with being a cyclist just someone trying to pass the blame on.

Maybe not, but Clarkson and his ilk have created a general milieu where people like that woman think it's acceptable.

After all, he was Only A Cyclist (TM).

Valbrona | 7 years ago
1 like

But hate speech is free speech.

Do away with all forms of hate speech and we really are under a capitalist/communist dictatorship.

hawkinspeter replied to Valbrona | 7 years ago

Valbrona wrote:

But hate speech is free speech.

Do away with all forms of hate speech and we really are under a capitalist/communist dictatorship.

I'm actually a big fan of free speech and lack of censorship (for adults), but the crucial point is questioning the "authority" that is censoring/banning free expression.

However, typical "hate speech" is used to divide people against each other and is actually a tool of oppression and a hallmark of a dictatorship. Every dictator that I can think of, rode to power by picking on an out-group (e.g. Hitler and Jews, Trump and Muslims, Thatcher and Miners) except maybe for Mussolini - he rode to power on the general breakdown of society.

So, your call for more hate speech is actually playing right into the hands of those who would have power over us. Real "free speech" is the freedom to criticise those in power, not merely to spread lies and fear about people who are a little bit different.

alansmurphy replied to Valbrona | 7 years ago

Valbrona wrote:

But hate speech is free speech.

Do away with all forms of hate speech and we really are under a capitalist/communist dictatorship.


The only people I hear demanding their rights for free speech in the modern day are those with a hateful, bigoted, racist agenda. You are aware that free speech doesn't mean you have to be a massive c


don simon fbpe replied to Valbrona | 7 years ago

Valbrona wrote:

But hate speech is free speech.

Do away with all forms of hate speech and we really are under a capitalist/communist dictatorship.

I'm all for free speech too, it makes it easier to spot 'em.


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