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Video: Driver tailgates BBC's Jeremy Vine then kicks out at him

Aggressive motorist in Kensington also made 'gun' with fingers and took aim at broadcaster...

Jeremy Vine, who from next month will be the host of the BBC TV show Crimewatch, got some first-hand insight of his new role while commuting by bike last week, filming an incident with an extremely aggressive driver who got out of her car and kicked out at him, then later mimicked aiming a gun at him.

The episode happened on Friday on a one-way street by Kensington Town Hall, Vine riding in primary position since the parked cars on either side of the road meant there was insufficient room for a car to safely overtake a bicycle.

The driver beeped her horn at him, moving up close to his rear wheel, and when Vine pointed out there was not enough room to overtake, saying "there's got to be a car's width," the motorist got out of her car, kicking out at him and telling the TV and radio presenter to "Get the f*ck out the road."

 Shortly afterwards, the woman got out of her car again at the junction with Kensington High Street, telling Vine to stop filming her car, before getting back in and making the shape of a pistol with her fingers, aiming a 'shot' at him.

Vine posted footage of what happened to his Facebook page, saying; "I hate to overload our hard-working London police with footage from my commute, but I feel the person you see on the tape will at some point hurt someone very badly - either with her car or in a direct personal assault."


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CygnusX1 | 8 years ago
Skylark | 8 years ago

There's nothing like cooking up a full blown incident in order to justify that investment of cameras on the bike and video editting off the bike.

What  a timid spoof.

tritecommentbot replied to Skylark | 8 years ago

Skylark wrote:

There's nothing like cooking up a full blown incident in order to justify that investment of cameras on the bike and video editting off the bike.

What  a timid spoof.


Are you saying that catching incidents like dangerous driving and threatening behaviour on camera aren't worth the investment?

Judge dreadful | 8 years ago


He needs to watch this.

gawl07 | 8 years ago

unconstituted [1196 posts] 3 days ago

AsOriginalAsYou wrote:

Look, you disagree with me or don't understand (or both). Calling it bilge is not advancing a conversation and it's frankly boring. Google 'ad hominem' if you like.


For me to disagree with you, you would need to have a point.


All this is, is a stereotypical rabid reactionary trying to patch his self-esteem on the interweb by calling someone else a racist, sexist or whatever.


No-one cares.  You're like a weaksauce left-wing equivilent of Katie Hopkins and an embarassment to real left wingers who actually do and have worked in the social services with disadvantaged minorities.


Unconstituted, to put it in simple terms, even if you won't accept that the comment was racist, Yorkshire wallet's comment, 'That's why there's so many errant fathers in the black community.' implies that the errant fathers are errant because of the mothers. Which is sexist, unless you have stats to back up that 'fact' too?

tritecommentbot replied to gawl07 | 8 years ago
1 like

gawl07 wrote:

unconstituted [1196 posts] 3 days ago

AsOriginalAsYou wrote:

Look, you disagree with me or don't understand (or both). Calling it bilge is not advancing a conversation and it's frankly boring. Google 'ad hominem' if you like.


For me to disagree with you, you would need to have a point.


All this is, is a stereotypical rabid reactionary trying to patch his self-esteem on the interweb by calling someone else a racist, sexist or whatever.


No-one cares.  You're like a weaksauce left-wing equivilent of Katie Hopkins and an embarassment to real left wingers who actually do and have worked in the social services with disadvantaged minorities.


Unconstituted, to put it in simple terms, even if you won't accept that the comment was racist, Yorkshire wallet's comment, 'That's why there's so many errant fathers in the black community.' implies that the errant fathers are errant because of the mothers. Which is sexist, unless you have stats to back up that 'fact' too?


Schoolboy error right here.


Getting sucked into the bait - my premise - that stats can disprove racism. 


You guys really do blow at this.


This is a cycling site, if you want to earn your stripes, go pick debates on this stuff on right or left wing forums. Many around. You definitely need the practice.


The _Kaner | 8 years ago

Feck me...utter pish and codswallop.

At least Jeremy Vine wasn't physically injured (save for the swift kick/nudge at the bike by the mentallist driver...)

I hope he hasn't been reading this shite (...mostly unrelated to the actual incident)

Handbags at dawn would be more entertaining and comparison to the inane drivel I've just trawled through....think I'll take a break from the forum and concentrate on the reviews, editorial synopsis and "bike related articles" that occasionally appear on

davel | 8 years ago

I've been a Graun 'member/supporter' thing for ages. I'm regularly driven to almost bin it (most recently over the Brexit and Corbyn identikit leftie-by-numbers vitriol - mainly from the 'journalists') but whenever I read the comments I'm heartened by the quality of some of them, and the debate. Below the line is loads better value - and I'll happily support that, in a weird roundabout way.

tritecommentbot | 8 years ago

Spotted the Graun carrying a piece on the incident. Worth taking a look at the comments. Large share of them try to find a way to shoehorn in a whine about cyclists. And that's on a lefty (well faux-lefty at least) newssite.


No point going BBC or Daily Heil of course to see what's being said, that's full-on dipstick territory.


You can talk about infrastructure, or safety or whatever, but at the end of the day, the UK has a cultural issue that needs something at the institutional level to fix. I think the recent suggestion of cyclist awareness in the driving test is a good place to start.

barbarus replied to tritecommentbot | 8 years ago
1 like

unconstituted wrote:

Spotted the Graun carrying a piece on the incident. Worth taking a look at the comments. Large share of them try to find a way to shoehorn in a whine about cyclists. And that's on a lefty (well faux-lefty at least) newssite.


No point going BBC or Daily Heil of course to see what's being said, that's full-on dipstick territory.


You can talk about infrastructure, or safety or whatever, but at the end of the day, the UK has a cultural issue that needs something at the institutional level to fix. I think the recent suggestion of cyclist awareness in the driving test is a good place to start.



Come on, someone like you should know better than to call the Graun even "faux-lefty".  More like mainstream liberal with lefty heritage and readership.  The rot set in when they hired an editor who was a member of the Garrick club. 

I agree about the cultural issue on cyclists and the daily mail though.

riotgibbon replied to barbarus | 8 years ago

barbarus wrote:

Come on, someone like you should know better than to call the Graun even "faux-lefty".  More like mainstream liberal with lefty heritage and readership.  The rot set in when they hired an editor who was a member of the Garrick club. 

I agree about the cultural issue on cyclists and the daily mail though.


no, before you post on the Gruaniad, you have to attend a socialist summer-school, with intensive lessons on Marx and RH Tawney. Once certified, you are issued with a special "LeftCard", which you insert into a usb reader, which along with your fingerprint, confirms your identity and permits you to post comments on articles. This ensures that all content on the Guardian is verifiably "left-wing", and thus ensures that everything seen there can be represented as such ...  


the presence of the majority of comments on the site that apparently complain about the left-wing bias of either the original article or other commenters are currently unexplained ...

Carl | 8 years ago

What a thoroughly unpleasant and aggressive woman. 

AsOriginalAsYou | 8 years ago

You do realise that most of what you have said has been personal and abusive right?

Very little of substance has come from you, except from telling us all how we are inferior compared to your standards.

Shall we just agree to disagree?

tritecommentbot | 8 years ago
1 like

Kneejerk waffle merchants. No substance.


When I call out someone for racism or sexism, I know how to do it properly. Not get all tied up in knots rambling blige about whether this is a matter for sociology or philosophy. LOL


Link your Facebook profiles people. Lets see all your BAME friends. Time to turn the mirror around - why the hypersensitivity? Must be some insecurity there. 


Facebook now. Go.

stomec replied to tritecommentbot | 8 years ago

unconstituted wrote:

Kneejerk waffle merchants. No substance.


When I call out someone for racism or sexism, I know how to do it properly. Not get all tied up in knots rambling blige about whether this is a matter for sociology or philosophy. LOL


Link your Facebook profiles people. Lets see all your BAME friends. Time to turn the mirror around - why the hypersensitivity? Must be some insecurity there. 


Facebook now. Go.


Omg are you seriously going down the "I'm not a racist, some of my best friends are black" road????

Hector Ch | 8 years ago

Gotta love SJWs and people who reserve the right to be offended at anything.

Mountains out of Molehills.

Let's move on people, nothing to see here.



Canyon48 | 8 years ago
1 like

Well then.

dodgy | 8 years ago


tritecommentbot | 8 years ago

SiRUSH wrote:

what the feck is the black community?


Usually poke fun at people I disagree with.


But that's just embrassing. Wise up.

AsOriginalAsYou replied to tritecommentbot | 8 years ago
1 like
unconstituted wrote:

SiRUSH wrote:

what the feck is the black community?


Usually poke fun at people I disagree with.


But that's just embrassing. Wise up.


After a chorus of very eloquent explanations and re-phrasing. The hunt for the last word goes on.


tritecommentbot replied to AsOriginalAsYou | 8 years ago

AsOriginalAsYou wrote:
unconstituted wrote:

SiRUSH wrote:

what the feck is the black community?


Usually poke fun at people I disagree with.


But that's just embrassing. Wise up.

Wow. After a chorus of very eloquent explanations and re-phrasing. The hunt for the last word goes on. Chapeau!


Waffle is not elegance. 


Dodging a request for proof of racism with a cringeworthy mess is not an explanation. 


But yes, there has been rephrasing of clichéd kneejerkery. 

gin23deluxe | 8 years ago

Happy clappers you got to love em, she should be F@@@ING jailed, so you think thats the correct behaviour for the Black or any other community, that behavour breeds Racism.

Well done Jeremy Vine, very well behaved, if she had gone for me or my bike I think the out come would be very very different, I drive alot, sadly alot of motorists do not give a shit about cycling or anything on 2 wheels (i also ride a Ducati) usually on there phone not paying attention and get Irrate when there at fault, No cars dont own the road, I think pedestrians actually have right of way which includes cyclists, no one likes aggressive cyclists but sadly aggressive riding is the safest option, it gets you seen. 


riotgibbon replied to gin23deluxe | 8 years ago

gin23deluxe wrote:

Happy clappers you got to love em, she should be F@@@ING jailed, so you think thats the correct behaviour for the Black or any other community, that behavour breeds Racism.


what I think a lot of people are having trouble grasping is that the colour of the driver's skin has no bearing on the case either way. The reason that the comment is racist (rather than the commentator, who I think is just a bit too stupid to really know what they are saying) is that you don't get comments on driver's skin colour (or the imagined stabilty of their relationships) if the driver is white. 

If there's any examples where this has happened, then I'll be glad to be corrected.

We cycle in our communities, and the UKIP/Brexit supporters who think they're getting some sort of ethnic cleansing are going to be sadly disappointed, so we're going to be staying a diverse community for sometime yet - so yeah, people who come out with this sort of comment are going to have to get used to be being challenged on it, even on cycle forums.   I really can't see it being something my son is going to be even imagining discussing, the same way I couldn't imagine the acceptance of diversity we have now being a possibility in my 70's childhood

Good for Jeremy Vine for putting this up and getting a wider debate going - the sooner everyone starts being just nicer to each other, and not making superficial judgements based purely on appearance, the better.  Particularly that ISIS lot, they give that shouty-lady a run for her money

AsOriginalAsYou replied to riotgibbon | 8 years ago

riotgibbon wrote:

gin23deluxe wrote:

Happy clappers you got to love em, she should be F@@@ING jailed, so you think thats the correct behaviour for the Black or any other community, that behavour breeds Racism.


what I think a lot of people are having trouble grasping is that the colour of the driver's skin has no bearing on the case either way. The reason that the comment is racist (rather than the commentator, who I think is just a bit too stupid to really know what they are saying) is that you don't get comments on driver's skin colour (or the imagined stabilty of their relationships) if the driver is white. 

If there's any examples where this has happened, then I'll be glad to be corrected.


Here is an example of an eloquent rephrasing Unconstituted.


And to re-state it again.


The colour of the person's skin is in no way relevant to the event or any criminality. Yet, it was the first thing people talked about.


Why has it been bought up then? Is it chance? Unlikely.


The comment has focussed on the persons skin colour for no logical reason. Therefore there must be an illogical reason. In this case an illogical assoication of negative characteristics based upon someone's race or ethnicity


i.e racism.


I also agree that the comment can be racist without wholey disparaging the commentator. We've all got to clear our act up with this shit.

tritecommentbot replied to AsOriginalAsYou | 8 years ago

AsOriginalAsYou wrote:

riotgibbon wrote:

gin23deluxe wrote:

Happy clappers you got to love em, she should be F@@@ING jailed, so you think thats the correct behaviour for the Black or any other community, that behavour breeds Racism.


what I think a lot of people are having trouble grasping is that the colour of the driver's skin has no bearing on the case either way. The reason that the comment is racist (rather than the commentator, who I think is just a bit too stupid to really know what they are saying) is that you don't get comments on driver's skin colour (or the imagined stabilty of their relationships) if the driver is white. 

If there's any examples where this has happened, then I'll be glad to be corrected.


Here is an example of an eloquent rephrasing Unconstituted.


And to re-state it again.


The colour of the person's skin is in no way relevant to the event or any criminality. Yet, it was the first thing people talked about.


Why has it been bought up then? Is it chance? Unlikely.


The comment has focussed on the persons skin colour for no logical reason. Therefore there must be an illogical reason. In this case an illogical assoication of negative characteristics based upon someone's race or ethnicity


i.e racism.


I also agree that the comment can be racist without wholey disparaging the commentator. We've all got to clear our act up with this shit.





You are absolutely useless at this. Horrendous actually.


Oh, 'someone mentioned skin colour, this is racism'. Okay you 12 year old Twitter warrior. 


Is this the best the left can do? No. Because there's guys like me who know how to properly tackle race and sexism when I want to.


Not one poster here has made one single valid point in tackling the actual original statement. And I have intentionally not given a clue about the direction it would need to go to do that, to see if anyone here has any substance whatsoever.


You're genuinely weak. No clue at all about black issues. 

Subotai replied to riotgibbon | 8 years ago

riotgibbon wrote:

gin23deluxe wrote:

Happy clappers you got to love em, she should be F@@@ING jailed, so you think thats the correct behaviour for the Black or any other community, that behavour breeds Racism.


what I think a lot of people are having trouble grasping is that the colour of the driver's skin has no bearing on the case either way. The reason that the comment is racist (rather than the commentator, who I think is just a bit too stupid to really know what they are saying) is that you don't get comments on driver's skin colour (or the imagined stabilty of their relationships) if the driver is white. 

If there's any examples where this has happened, then I'll be glad to be corrected.

We cycle in our communities, and the UKIP/Brexit supporters who think they're getting some sort of ethnic cleansing are going to be sadly disappointed, so we're going to be staying a diverse community for sometime yet - so yeah, people who come out with this sort of comment are going to have to get used to be being challenged on it, even on cycle forums.   I really can't see it being something my son is going to be even imagining discussing, the same way I couldn't imagine the acceptance of diversity we have now being a possibility in my 70's childhood

Good for Jeremy Vine for putting this up and getting a wider debate going - the sooner everyone starts being just nicer to each other, and not making superficial judgements based purely on appearance, the better.  Particularly that ISIS lot, they give that shouty-lady a run for her money

Bit of a reach that isn't it thinking all UKIP/Brexit voters were expecting ethnic cleansing? I remember voting to leave the EU not for some sort of pogrom.

700c replied to Subotai | 8 years ago
Subotai wrote:

Bit of a reach that isn't it thinking all UKIP/Brexit voters were expecting ethnic cleansing? I remember voting to leave the EU not for some sort of pogrom.

Exactly! I like the irony that the poster likes to call out prejudice and anyone for being 'anti-diversity', yet cannot conceive of a Brexit voter who does not fit their mould of UKIP-supporting-racist-ethnic-cleanser!

I won't comment on the rest of this, I think enough's been said!

riotgibbon replied to 700c | 8 years ago

700c wrote:
Subotai wrote:

Bit of a reach that isn't it thinking all UKIP/Brexit voters were expecting ethnic cleansing? I remember voting to leave the EU not for some sort of pogrom.

Exactly! I like the irony that the poster likes to call out prejudice and anyone for being 'anti-diversity', yet cannot conceive of a Brexit voter who does not fit their mould of UKIP-supporting-racist-ethnic-cleanser! I won't comment on the rest of this, I think enough's been said!


yeah, it sort of has some relation to the original post we all got so excited about, doesn't it?  Making an assumption about a group of people based upon a superficial aspect of their appearance/behaviour?

Leeroy_Silk | 8 years ago
6 likes The place for cyclists who detest the Daily Mail, behave as though they are the Daily Mail.

wycombewheeler | 8 years ago

Hoping to see some views on the incident, instead just a very tiresome argument about wa lame joke. What a waste of time. Facebook comments page surprisingly more bauble on this.


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