A stunning sculpture in the image of 20th century French sculptor Auguste Rodin's The Thinker has been created using only recycled bicycle tyres in County Kerry, Ireland.
Artist Mick Davis, who studied art in Dublin, is described as an enthusiastic cyclist in the bio on his website. It was this enthusiasm that made him aware of the issue of disposing of old bicycle tyres, and lead him to start working with bicycle tyres as a medium.
>Read more: when should I change my bike tyres
It was in April 2014 that he began experimenting in creating sculptures from old tyres, an experiment that ultimately lead him to this, his most ambitious tyre-related work to date, Le Poete.
Mr Davis told road.cc that the sculpture is based on Rodin's The Thinker, which was originally named Le Poete. The similarities between the two are clear. One, though, is made of bronze and is 112 years old, while the other is made out of bicycle tyres and was completed this year.
He said: "As you know old tyres are a major environmental issue and I hope that showcasing a use for them like this will be an inspiration to others.
"It’s also a wonderful medium for sculpting with. I’m trying to promote this unique and unusual art form"
We're used to dealing with unusual bike art here at road.cc. Whether its monumentally large virtual drawings on ride-sharing app Strava, music made only using noises that bikes can make, or even dodgy cycling infrastructure called art in hindsight, we've covered it.
>Read more: Cyclist draws giant dog on Catford in 150km South London ride
Though, it must be said, we've seen very few things that both look as fantastic as Mick Davis's artwork and has such a positive, sustainable impact on the planet.
Keep up the good work Mick.
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In Seattle the bike shops have bins to put in old innertubes to be recycled into bags
I bought one, great idea
The Thinker, eh? I wonder what he's Conti-mplating...
Not sure about cars but they're a vital pary of the truck, lorry, HGV and construction machinery industries. Just search Youtube for 'retreading'.
I understand old tyres can be re-used for one or two things, but think of the numbers! I can't imagine bike tyres are more than a drop in the ocean compared to car tyres, though.
Not sure I'd want to ride on re-moulds. Are they still legal for cars?
My local tip has a tyres cage for car tyres. I chuck old bike tyres in and hope they get recycled
Can tyres be recycled? I know my doorstep collection won't take them - and the local recycling centre (formerly the civic amenity centre, formerly the tip) doesn't let you cycle in because of elf'n'safety .
there should be a way to get your tyres re-rubbered - just melt the rubber off the casing and stick a new layer on. Might get a bit more life out of those nice silk tubs... Then the old rubber could be reused aswell.
Although it's probably not that straightforward to melt vulcanised rubber...
But it would be nice all the same. Surely the manufacturers with all their facilities would be able to do something with them. Could they be mulched down and used in road surfacing instead of/alongside tarmac?
Didn't know that, and don't know how to recycle them, I end up sticking them in the bin.
Also, Is there no way to subscribe to new comments now? I'd like to know when I get a reply without having to re-visit a hundred stories every day.
Ah, not just me then. Be nice if the link to a comment from the main page worked too...