A Yorkshire cyclist who was running low on water while out on a ride got a shock when a woman who refilled it for him asked for £3 – then tipped out the water when he explained he didn’t have that much money on him.
Neil Holloway, who is a member of Leeds & Bradford Triathlon club, posted an account of what had happened on Twitter, saying “Staggered this happened in Huby this week." It’s not clear whether he is the cyclist involved.
The post read: “Just getting this off my chest … 60km ride out on my new road bike this evening. 40km in and realisation that two bottle cages would be better than one as I run low on water.
“I pulled up near a row of cottages near Huby where a middle aged lady was digging the garden. I politely asked if she could refill my water bottle which she duly did.
“Upon handing it back to me she said: ‘That will be £3’ …
“Shocked, I explained I only had about £1 in loose change. She stared at me and without breaking gaze she emptied the bottle over the garden and handed it back empty.
“I was shell-shocked and speechless as she retreated into the house.”
The author added: “Morale of the story … God help us or bring more water in future.”
Granted, not all cyclists would feel confident enough to approach a stranger and ask them to fill a water bottle, and might prefer to have enough money on them so they could pop into a shop, café or pub instead.
But while charging someone to fill their water bottle may seem unusual in the first place, filling it up then tipping the contents out when the money demanded isn’t forthcoming sounds quite frankly bizarre.
Have you come across anything like this before – or any other bizarre behaviour when you’ve asked someone for a helping hand while out riding?
Let us know in the comments below.
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It could have been worse - she could have given him back the bottle filled with Roundup.
Husband obviously out cycling instead of helping her dig the garden!
I punctured three miles out of Slaidburn on Monday and couldn't find my tyre levers. I rolled down to the next farmhouse, asked if they happened to have any to spare and was treated to a lovely cuppa, a nice chat and a firm hand fittIng the tyre without levers. Moral of the story: Lancashire wins.
Weedkiller on her nice garden.
I love this. Is this what David Cameron was referring to with his comments today about Yorkshire folk?
I love the British countryside!
Pubs. Part of the license required to operate a public house is the requirement to offer water for free.
Her soul looks like a dessicated fish
Two bottles on a 60K ride. I see who has the problem
I find Yorkshire people to be among the most generous, friendly and hospitable people I have met. Just because this odd woman lives in Yorkshire doesn't mean that is her original home. She is likely to e from London or South East
Most Churchyards / cemeteries have an outside tap for watering flowers. Of course you have to assume the water is OK..
One of the best comments threads we've ever had, but guys, it's okay to call her a skiflint or whatever but let's drop the "b----" please?
Just think, she's probably some poor sod's mother-in-law.
The horror.
This is the problem in rural areas. Starbucks are not readily available.
"Guilty" of a Tort? Longwayround you disappoint me.
Story in one sentence.
Cyclist happens across deranged/mean/business woman.
I would get your local food standards officer called out to check the kitchen has the required standards and have a word with the local council regarding her paying business tax...
Cycling in the Trough of Bowland I stopped at a roadside van selling refreshments. As well as buying some snacks I also asked for a bottle of water to fill up my bottle. The guy told me, 'Oh, you don't have to buy water, I'll fill your bottle up for free, would you like a bit of squash in that as well?' Just another small reminder that the red rose county is better!
What a miserable bag she sounds.
I was riding home earlier this week, bright sunshine & very hot day, half way up a steep bit of hill, I passed a woman with a small Pug dog panting like mad. Turns out she was quite a way from home and had been caught out without enough water for either of them. My bottle was empty so I left them walking, rode on a mile to the next pub on my route, asked at the kitchen door and got my bottle filled for free and rode back to the lady, handed it over to her and headed off home.
I was just happy to be able to do a good deed and if it helped her and the pooch, it's well worth a new water bottle.
Edit, just read the above post: Lancashire here too.
You may not believe this but I'm fairly certain that it is actually against the law to refuse to fill a cyclists water bottle. I'm not joking she could be arrested.
Maybe it's against the law to not allow them to pee on your rose bushes too.
They're tight buggers up north
As my mate said to me, Huby's bandit country.
I once had a shouting match with a mad old gadgie in Huby, who was convinced that I was eyeing up the contents of his boot.
(This is the Huby near York, by the way)
.... perhaps an anonymous tip to HM Revenue & Customs would be in order.....see if she is declaring the income from water bottle refills on her Tax Return.....
You should all listen to David Cameron Yorkshire folk hate everyone.Also remember that old Yorkshire saying Never do owt for nowt.
I'd expect so. I'm a Yorkshireman and I wouldn't hesitate to fill up a cyclists bottle with fresh water. Heck, I'd even offer ice and electrolyte tablets and let them use the bog.
Hahaha! I had the same thought. Of course, we don't know if it was blisteringly hot or not.
Suggesting that we "drop" her is even worse!