Italy’s Campagnolo is introducing a free new MyCampy app that allows you to analyse your cycling performance and also keep track of the mileage you’ve put into the components of multiple bikes. If you use a Campagnolo EPS (Electronic Power Shift) drivetrain you can also use the MyCampy app to customise that.
One of the MyCampy features is called MyGarage. This keeps track of your cycling equipment, totting up how far you’ve ridden with each component. With that information, the app will tell you when it’s time that the bearings in your wheels are likely to need a servicee, for instance, to avoid any issues.
The MyEPS feature, as the name implies, is for Campagnolo EPS users. It allows you to input your own customised shifter functions, for example, set the way the multishifting system works, and download and install new EPS firmware. It also offers real-time diagnostics for each individual EPS component.

Campagnolo says that the app lets you view your biometric and performance data, and also to integrate and overlap that data with information from your EPS transmission.
“It's a sophisticated analytical tool that offers a unique look into your performance in addition to how it is affected by your use of components,” says Campagnolo.
How does the app get data from the EPS transmission? Via the new V3 EPS Interface. The Interface is the bit of the EPS system that is used to set the initial configuration and make fine adjustments during a ride.
This new version of the EPS Interface is able to transmit data in ANT+ and Bluetooth to tell your phone what’s going on in the system – so it can let the MyCampy app know which chainring/sprocket combination you’re using at any given time, for example.
If you’re spending a lot of time in the large chainring and the largest sprocket, the app will suggest that you could ride more efficiently in a different combo.
One final feature of the app is called Campagnolo World. This will offer updates from Campagnolo including race results, news and previews of product launches, and so on.
The MyCampy app will be available free for iOS and Android from November.
In the meantime, get more info from
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Moan, moan, sob, lot need to feck off and polish your square tapers. It's pathetic!
V1 user and I'll be upgrading to V3 as soon as this is out for no other reason than because it looks like a great upgrade. The V1 will get retrofitted to one of my other bikes.
Campagnolo just doing their thing, doing it well and doing it without fanfare.
Personally, I don't like "campag". "Campagnolo" is such a nice word, with the soft Italian "gn" in it which is close to "ny" in pronunciation, not the hard english "g". If you must abbreviate it, "campy" isn't as bad as "campag".
What I'd be more skeptical about is whether the MyCampy app is any good!
As a EPS user I like the idea and just signed up for the latest release news. Of course being Campag I get an acknowledgement in Italian !
Unfortunate Americanism indeed, as 'campy' in literary/art criticism refers to a specific type of bad taste. I might use the app however to track component mileage...
Tulio will be turning in his grave. I'm Campag through and through but they've turned into a joke.
That's like choosing your own nickname; a bit sad.
Yours, Mr Fabulous.
Probably needs a special tool to intstall and only works if within a 20 mile range of a campagnolo office. I can say this as I'm a campagnolo die hard fan. If a shimano user were to say this then it would be bikeist.
So we've seen eTap, hydraulic shifting, disc brakes everywhere and Campag have an app to tell you to change your Campag undies?
I would hate for it to be true, but these chaps seem a bit lost.
Lost? don't think so. Disc brakes and direct pull rim brakes due imminently and V3 of EPS module also.
Wasn't sure what direct pull rim brakes are so Googled - according to sheldon brown they are cantis!?!? Are campag taking us back to 1980s or am I missing something!?
I think he meant direct mount.
Released for a US market, as only they abbreviate to 'campy'.
NO NO NO.....but name aside I'll probably use it
MyCampy.....sounds like an alternative to grinder
In much the same way as no one should open a dry cleaning business called 'Touching Cloth', I feel no should ever ever ever call their cycling app. 'My Campy'.
My Shimmy anyone?
S Ram me?
Its Campagnolo. Campag to friends. never ca... i cant even type it.
wot he said ^
C&#*y, my arse. #transatlanticspeak
I would think you would give a bit more deference to Campagnolo's own choice of shortened name, but that's just me...
Jesus wept. What next? A text from Campy telling me my groupset service is due? I get enough of that grief from my car suppliers. Just ride the friggin' bike.
Cars that drive themselves. Bikes that scold you over gear changing. TV's that boss you about what you should be watching. Bollocks to it all.
Friday rant over.