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Police officer jumps on stolen bike to collar RideLondon cycle thief

Sharp-eyed officers keep eye on unattended bike – and get their man

A plain clothes police officer hopped on a bike at Saturday’s Prudential RideLondon Freecycle event to chase down a man he believed had stolen it – and discovered he was already wanted for a previous bike theft.

The officer was one of a team of three from the Metropolitan Police Service’s Cycle Task Force who had been deployed in plain clothes at the event, which saw 60,000 cyclists of all ages ride on a closed road circuit in Central London.

They noticed a grey Trek SU2.0 hybrid bike that had been left by Canada Gate, the entrance to Green Park opposite Buckingham Palace, and believing it had been stolen and perhaps left there by a thief to collect later, kept a watch on it.

Before long, a man turned up wearing a cycle helmet and sunglasses and wheeled the bike away before getting on and riding. When challenged, he dropped the bike and began running across the park towards Piccadilly, trying to get rid of the helmet and sunglasses on his way.

Two of the officers ran after him, while the third jumped on the bike to give chase. The man was arrested near Piccadilly and taken to a police station where officers learnt he was already wanted for bike theft. He has been charged with two counts of theft of a pedal cycle and one of shoplifting.

One of the officers who caught him, Sergeant Neil Redman, said: "This man clearly came to central London with the intention of stealing bikes.

“When he realised he had been cornered by officers he tried to flee but the quick thinking of my colleagues, PC Alex Hannah and PC Darren Goode, meant he was not going to get away."

Chief Superintendent BJ Harrington, Silver Commander for Ride London, said that there had been fewer reported thefts last Saturday compared to the inaugural edition of the event last year.

"The work of the officers and PCSOs on the ground has been tremendous from deterring thefts to providing crime reduction advice,” he said.

"There were three reported thefts in the footprint of our operation on Saturday compared to 17 on the same day last year. In addition to that, we've managed to security mark 675 bikes as well as give out advice to hundreds of cyclists."

As of Sunday evening, police had not yet been able to trace the owner of the bike and asked anyone with information to call the Cycle Task Force via 101.

Simon joined as news editor in 2009 and is now the site’s community editor, acting as a link between the team producing the content and our readers. A law and languages graduate, published translator and former retail analyst, he has reported on issues as diverse as cycling-related court cases, anti-doping investigations, the latest developments in the bike industry and the sport’s biggest races. Now back in London full-time after 15 years living in Oxford and Cambridge, he loves cycling along the Thames but misses having his former riding buddy, Elodie the miniature schnauzer, in the basket in front of him.

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skippy | 10 years ago

" TFL can walk away with their current " Careless Attitude to " KSI Casualties " please contact me
Skippi [at] "

should read

" TFL can NEVER AGAIN walk away with their current " Careless Attitude to " KSI Casualties " please contact me
Skippi [at] "

My letter to the Met. Comm of Police , via their Social Media :

" Attn Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe

Commisioner of Metropolitan Police


Sir ,

As Commisioner of Metropolitan Police you have a considerable Pool of Talent available to deal with the myriad of Incidents that fall within your purview .

No doubt there are some that fall below the Level of Expertise that you would normally demand ?

The matter i now call your attention to , was attended by a Mini Bus full of your Met. Police Officers , who would have had every opportunity to gather sufficient evidence on the scene , to secure the conviction of the offending TFL Bus Driver ! Had i as a vehicle driver behaved in the same manner , i would no doubt have been issued with paperwork immediately , for at the minimum " Driving without due care and attention ", perhaps even speeding or passing too close to a Cyclist ? However because the vehicle is operated by a member of the TFL Consortia , the Inspector Beresford , or his Sargeant may have instructed the Woman Constable to only take down details , for later consideration ?

As far as anyone is concerned the Traffic Violence inflicted on me was due to my deciding to use that road to pass through London ? In the letter sent to me , there is a definite presumption that i deserve no better , for having decided to be a Bike Tourist in London !

After the November 2013 Cyclist deaths , your Police Force scored considerable Publicity with " Operation safeguard " , wherein Cyclists received countless numbers of " FPN " for a variety of offences , some of those offences in contradiction of the " ACPO guide lines "!

When was ramming a Cyclist in the rear on a " Marked CYCLE Lane " that passes a traffic Island , NOT an open & shut reason for a charge to be immediately imposed ? Attempted Manslaughter , Grevious Bodily Harm , etc , when using a FIST , but using 15 ton of a Metal blunt object , that is OKAY ?

Regretably this PATHETIC Example of " Fair Treatment " is not the only Traffic Violence that received the same treatment as shown in this Tweet/article : " Pedals for medals ‏@Pedalsformedals May 5
@Dean_Bousfield, we will be going again, but we will need time to regroup and 'unfold' our bikes and bodies! @HelpforHeroes

So a Charity Group of " Ex Military Guys ( ) " get wiped out by " Sleeping Driver " , they go to Hospital ( see Photo attached ) andd HE goes to a " Driver Improvement Course ! FAIR DEAL ? Well to the Admin Staff at the CPS ? YAWN ! To the attending Police Officers ? Frustration ?

Unless i am informed by return email / Tweet / other , that your office will review the matter URGENTLY , i will have to do as so many others have done , to have the matter reopened , in order to see the Driver Convicted , seek the services of the " IPCC " .

As you will see from the attachment below my signature , TFL are well known as a source of Misery to the Victims of their ongoing Traffic Violence :


Wonder how long it stays visible ? Better still , how long before a minion , the office cleaner , perhaps deigns to reply?

skippy | 10 years ago

When you read HERE , of Met. Police Officers issuing " FPN " to Cyclists for riding on the Pavement to avoid those dangerous intersections of their daily commute , do you regard it as " Revenue Raising ( Dick Turpin style ) " , OR , a Safety Issue in relation to the speed they are travelling near Pedestrians ?

Then you read of Cyclists setting out on a Charity Fund Raiser, being struck down and Hospitalised for Months , by a " Sleeping Truck Driver " , being sent on a " Driver Improvement Course " , BUT , receiving NO Other Penalty , Cash or Points on Licence . Then seeing the article about a Young Woman being FORCED to accept after 3 1/2 years an "Out of Court Settlement " , of 2/3rds of the Damages that SHE SHOULD have been Entitled , WHAT would you have thought of this LETTER :

" I am writing in regards to the accident you were involved in on 2nd May 2014 in Wandsworth Road, SW8.

Evidence suggests that the bus driver was at fault for the incident. It has been decided that the bus driver will be offered a place on a driver improvement course. If he fails the course or declines to attend we will proceed with court action against him for driving without due care and attention.

Please see attached letter. I have also posted a letter to you.

Kind regards "

So CYclists can be FINED for riding on a Pavement to avoid "KSI " , but when YOU ride on a marked Cycle Lane on the ROAD , the TFL Bus Driver escapes ALL Penalty , but is given the need to attend a " Driver Improvement Course "!

This TFL Driver can NOW tell his TFL Colleagues & other Large Vehicle Drivers , that they able to DRIVE Dangerously without the fear of Consequences ! Being on a " Driver Improvement Course " SHOULD have been part of the INITIAL Training by TFL , NOT , the consequence of inflicting Traffic Violence on a Tourist passing through LONDON !

NOW , i have to resort to every Avenue available , including a complaint about Conscientious Bike Riding Police officers , who attended the scene , to ensure that this matter is reopened and the TFL Driver that through his ACTIONS caused the Incident , receive more than a few days of distraction from his Bus driving duties !

ANYONE that has suffered a similar treatment of their Traffic Violence Issues , that can guide me to the resources that i need to ensure TFL can walk away with their current " Careless Attitude to " KSI Casualties " please contact me
Skippi [at]
to ensure that NO Further Innocent receives this type of "Washing Hands " Letter !

THE POLICE everywhere CLAIM to be Protecting their " Constituents " ! THis Letter demonstrates a different attitude!

THe Life YOU help to SAVE , may well be YOUR OWN !

darrenleroy | 10 years ago

I think the government are missing a trick if it wants to raise money from driving misdemeanours. Put out a tender to supply remote cameras on traffic light poles to capture motorists who stray past the ASL. Points and a fine for every one. The supplier gets his cut and we raise more money to spend on cycling infrastructure (and motorists stop taking the piss).

darrenleroy | 10 years ago

I think the government are missing a trick if it wants to raise money from driving misdemeanours. Put out a tender to supply remote cameras on traffic light poles to capture motorists who stray past the ASL. Points and a fine for every one. The supplier gets his cut and we raise more money to spend on cycling infrastructure (and motorists stop taking the piss).

jollygoodvelo | 10 years ago

Glad to read this, good work.

Where was the bike marking? I didn't see it on either day...

ronin | 10 years ago

Well done!

The police doing their job  41

Shame the above mentioned officers weren't around when my 4 bikes were stolen...

OK, OK, I'm joking a little; someone mentioned putting plain clothes police on bikes. I don't think we can afford to loose that many officers. On the plus side, at least they would be fit and up to the task of catching criminals.

Perhaps we just need a special 2 wheeled division. Or, or, just give me a police radio and I'll keep my eye out for misdemeanors and felonies free of charge  16

workhard | 10 years ago

Great job Met.

Let's see more of this kind of action please, across the whole of the UK.

rggfddne replied to workhard | 10 years ago
workhard wrote:

Great job Met.

Let's see more of this kind of action please, across the whole of the UK.

+1. Less standing around telling people to wear helmets, more good old-fashioned crim catching.

truffy | 10 years ago

It costs money to put police on patrol (as opposed to set-and-forget cameras), but that should be largely recoverable if they made the fines for driving using a mobile or without due care and attention (etc) 'thought-provoking' enough.

WindyGeorge replied to truffy | 10 years ago
truffy wrote:

It costs money to put police on patrol (as opposed to set-and-forget cameras), but that should be largely recoverable if they made the fines for driving using a mobile or without due care and attention (etc) 'thought-provoking' enough.

Sadly, camera's can't smell weed!

jmaccelari | 10 years ago

Well done to the Met. In addition, their bike marking set up was impressive and the people manning it did an excellent job.

YorkshireMike | 10 years ago

We definitely need more plain clothes officers on bikes. The amount of people caught using mobiles, smoking marijuana at the wheel and driving like absolute berks would result in a huge amount of revenue and actually make people think twice about the things they do behind the wheel.

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