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Beeston Sportive, Nottinghamshire

I was wondering if anyone out there has ridden the Beeston sportive?
I have been 'persuaded' by a work colleague to take part in the long route and it all seemed like a good idea until I saw the profile of the course.
My level of fitness is ok and I am planning to take it steady but I was just wondering if anyone has actual experience of the long route?

This is my first sportive so I am looking forward to it but also a little apprehensive as I haven't cycles this far before or been involved in an organised event.

Any tips for the day would also be good.

Is there anyone else on here taking part on Sunday?

Thanks in advance

If you're new please join in and if you have questions pop them below and the forum regulars will answer as best we can.

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charliemac74 | 11 years ago

Which route did you end up doing T'internet?

Tinternet_tim replied to charliemac74 | 11 years ago

Hi Charlie, if that picture is of you, you look how i felt at the end.. Really happy to have been involved in such a great day but very relieved to be drink soup and eating cheese cobs  1

I ended up doing the long route, which route did you do?.
The guy who designed the route is a very cruel many hills  1 The most challenging by far was the last really steep one just off the A6.

Can't wait until next year to be part of it again!

Tinternet_tim | 11 years ago

Well that was brilliant!

If there is anyone out there who like me has been putting off doing a sportive for whatever reason then i'd encourage you to get out there and try one.

A real fun but challenging day where you meet like minded people.

The beeston sportive was really well organised and signed plus had gps routes to download for added navigation. The countryside and scenery was brilliant and i'll definitely be doing it again.

So, the question is which one next  1

Tinternet_tim | 11 years ago

Thanks for your comments guys.

Good plan about making my mind up at the food stop.
The guy I will be riding with has it set in his mind that it's going to be the long route but think the legs will be making the final decision on the day.

Really looking forward to it now as sounds like its going to be a beautiful day!

Guido | 11 years ago

The long route is tough but beautiful. It is the next tier down in difficulty to the Fred Whitton type of routes. The medium route is solid but definitely attainable by a fit rider. Hold something back for Rowsley bar as it is a hard climb and a classic in the Peak, you want to ride this without walking for those kudos points!

I would say ride to the first feed stop and if you are feeling fresh then go for the long route otherwise do the medium. The long route gets tough not long after the split with the climb out of the Manifold valley.

Have fun, the weather is looking good but take something to stop wind chill as you get up high near Flash. If you have any questions on the day ask one of the Beeston crew they will give you any assistance they can.

divingrob | 11 years ago

Not the ideal first sportive then. I did the medium one last year, some great climbs if that your thing.

I would do the medium one if I was going to recommend one to begin with. Look at it as 85 feet per mile of descents.

Good luck

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