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Wheel Advice (C24s Vs Aero)

Hi all. I have a couple of questions which I am sure have featured in other places on the forum so forgive me for any repetition. I am 6ft 2in and 86kg and ride on a Planet-X RT58 58cm (over 6000km done and a superb bike) which, on a good day, weighs in at around 7.6kg. My questions concern wheels. I have two sets of wheels, the Dura-Ace c24 and the Pro Lite Bracciano A42 SE Alloy.

Of course, the c24s are lighter (around 500g) but no matter how much ride them I still consider the cheaper and heavier Pro-Lites as being a faster more reliable all round wheelset. Why is this? And, under what conditions would the c24s have significantly more advantages over the Pro-Lites?

As someone who is 86kg, when sprinting on the c24s they feel soft and I often have wheel flex issues at the front. The Pro-Lites are solid, offer no flex and give a speedy hard ride. The only downside is their ability to deal with crosswinds.

Soon, I will do a 100km out and back time trail with about 40 other riders. There will be about 600m of climbing but at no more than 4-5%. Most of the course will be flat but with significant crosswinds and I am looking to average 30-40kph for the 100km. As I will be riding in a group which of the two wheels sets would you suggest as being the best for the job? Would a combination of c24 front and Pro-Lite rear be worthwhile?

If you're new please join in and if you have questions pop them below and the forum regulars will answer as best we can.

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H666 | 9 years ago

Thank you all for the comments which are appreciated. I realize that this is a minor issue and that personal choice should win the day. I also realize that talking about 500g when carrying 86kg of body weight is a tad ironic - very much a first world problem. I will decide on the day based on predicted wind conditions. Cheers.

Simon E | 9 years ago

Use whichever you are happier with. Far more will be gained by working on your fitness, position and clothing.

It has to be quite steep for 500g to make a significant difference.

Rim depth is apparently less of a factor when riding in a group, but of the two the front wheel is the one where the aero benefit is greater.

"wheels account for almost 10% of the total power required to race your bike and the dominant factor in wheel performance is aerodynamics. Wheel mass is a second order effect (nearly 10 times less significant) and wheel inertia is a third order effect (nearly 100 times less significant)."

Richard1982 | 9 years ago

"I am looking to average 30-40kph for the 100km."

10kph is quite a big range for the average speed.

As you're with other riders I assume this is some kind of team time trial? If it's very windy you might want to use the C24's so you're more stable when riding in close proximity to your team mates if it's very windy? I'd use the Pro-Lites personally, they're not too deep.

rnarito | 9 years ago

I don't know much about the Pro Lites, but they do look more aero than the C24's. I have the C24's and Zipp 404's (similar issues that you face). The 404's are stiff and although they are slightly heavier, feel faster and stiffer under acceleration. On flat courses with little wind, I'd go with the 404's, but when the side winds pick up and the course begins to head upwards, I'd choose the C24's. I don't experience the front wheel flex that you do (I'm 82kg). I think the Shimano wheels are outstanding, but lack any real aero benefit. If you are looking to do a fast 100km ride with not much climbing, I'd opt for the Pro-Lites  1

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