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Riding 2 abreast

Over the last two days, I have been out with my teenage kids cycling. Both are inexperienced at distance cycling, so I was breaking them in steadily by riding 20 miles for a gentle outing. I tend to ride either slightly back of them and further out into the road to offer protection (fatherly responsibility) or alongside.

On each day I have had multiple car drivers shouting abuse and pipping their horns. Why can't drivers just be a little patient and wait a few seconds for a gap so they can pass safely?

Before anyone starts mentioning the legalities of 2 abreast, I know the laws position and for those who don't, it is perfectly legal to do so.

I generally ride a third into the road when solo and haven't had anything like the same abuse, but add another rider, and irrational behaviour ensues!

If you're new please join in and if you have questions pop them below and the forum regulars will answer as best we can.

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notfastenough | 10 years ago

I did 55 miles today, almost without incident. I got about 5 miles from home, just coming back into the city, and suddenly drivers patience changed drastically, I was getting close passed all over the place. "Must get past the cyclist, 2 seconds off my journey (or more realistically, 2 extra seconds at the lights) is more important than the safety of someone stupid enough to choose a different form of transport/hobby to me"...

HalfWheeler | 10 years ago

Sometimes you can go for a week with no problems, sometimes you can barely go a few miles without some fucking cockmuncher(s) giving you grief.

Fuck 'em basically.

MuddyGoose | 10 years ago

Maybe you just ride in a nasty part of the country where people are more intolerant in general. When I ride around here in a group I don't generally come across any of that type of behaviour.

pablo | 10 years ago

For one people don't understand the law and two people are twats. I love cars and bikes with a little patients we can all share. Unfortunately human nature can't be changed.


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