The CX Sportives are back! These fantastic, mixed surface events are an ideal winter ride, perfect for any rider and for any bike that can take a little rough stuff! Starting from Salisbury Racecourse on The Salisbury Saxon CX features three different routes, criss-crossing the valleys and drove roads south of Salisbury Plain to create a varied and challenging day in the saddle. The ride will feature full and comprehensive route marking, feed and support stations and electronic rider timing, and there will be hot and cold food, drinks and snacks, plus free Torq energy drink.
This is perfect CX country - in fact it could have been created for the event. The course area is a natural amphitheatre for your riding pleasure. The tiny river Ebble traces the floor of the valley that forms the backbone of a course which winds you constantly up and downs to the north and south. Ancient drove roads atop each of these downs, along with the narrow valley road, form the main arteries of the route, while the lanes, tracks and trails between the three weave in the detail; testing climbs that top out at 20%, descents that will send your stupid grin count off the scale, and a procession of picture box villages, scenery and views to lift the most wintry soul!
CX Sportives are open to cyclo-cross, MTBs, winter road bikes, hybrids; anything you can make suitable for a fast mix of road and rough stuff!
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