The SSIT Big Bike Challenge – 200 miles in one day!
The route is carefully considered starting and finishing in Salisbury, visiting Cheddar Gorge (66 miles), Burnham on Sea (81 miles), Mulchelny (112 miles), and Christchurch (173 miles).
Despite the physical challenge of completing the distance, the ride is first and foremost a group event, with a good spirit on the road. Teamwork, enthusiasm and motivation are the essential elements for a successful ride. It is a ride, not a race! The aim is to raise money for SSIT and for each rider to enjoy him or herself, in previous years everyone has finished.
SSIT will support each rider. You will receive an entry pack (vest, goodies bag, sponsorship forms, training hints etc).
Our support crews will be along the route with water, food and mechanical support.
You will receive breakfast at Wincanton, lunch at Mulcheny, tea at Higher Ansty and Pie & Mash at Christchurch.
Our aim is to help you raise the sponsorship that will pay for 2 hand cycles or other equipment that will allow people with spinal cord injuries to enjoy a better life.
Enter today – start fundraising tomorrow – start training the day after and by the time you finish the Big Bike Challenge you will have achieved something that very few UK based cyclist have done, 200 miles in a day!
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