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Charity 2011 Calendar

Hi all.

Just letting as many people know about part of the Charity Fundraising my Wife and I are doing at the moment. This time last year, what was supposed to be a routine operation, turned into a 5 week stay in hospital for my wife. There were some very dark days for us all as a family, but Sylvia is much better now and is getting stronger everyday.

As a way of "giving something back," to the surgeon and team who helped save Sylvia, we decided in August to raise as much money as possible, to be split equally between A&E and ITU at Bronglais General Hospital and "The Mid Wales Colo-Rectal Cancer Fund." The fund is headed up by the surgeon who saved Sylvia. Since August we have been raising money through a number of different events and are on target to achieve our total. The culmination of all of the events is our "Coast to Coast" cycle ride from Lowestoft back to Aberystwyth (where we live)

We will be doing the ride from May 30th to June 2nd next year. The reason for this forum post is not to look for sympathy, but is to promote our Charity Calendar. The Calendar has been produced through a colaboration between, Cambrian Printers, Aberystwyth, Erica Farley (photographer) and Alan Cole at Pixelwave Designs.

The Calendar is available for £7 (+£1 postage) If you're interested let me know. I can be contacted at "teeceround at btinternet dot com" or through our blog at

Thanks for taking the time to read through this. I have put some of the sample photos below, for you to take a look at.


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